Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sendero Luminoso had threatened to kill all candidates as well as those voting in the municipal elections , and 200 mayoral candidates and about 300 other candidates had withdrawn in the areas under states of emergency [ for which see pp. 36972 ; 37065 ] .
2 His eyes were hooded and white spittle had formed at the corners of his mouth .
3 poets had referred to the riches of the east for many years , but in the early seventeenth century ‘ My America , my new-found-land ’ seemed a more effective phrase to represent emotional force and involvement .
4 By midday , a crowd estimated at between 80,000 and 100,000 had gathered in the grounds of Eglinton Castle .
5 Patterson had arranged for the solicitors in Bloomsbury to ring him immediately the jiffy bag arrived , so that end was covered and I was pretty sure that 's where the Airborne messenger was heading without further interruptions .
6 I had stumbled into the fringes of a world where cynical and ruthless manipulation of other people was the norm , and where even violence and perhaps murder was used to achieve one 's ends .
7 In 1926 he became a commissioned officer in the Salvation Army , a commission he resigned in 1944 when his interest in spiritual matters had developed beyond the bounds of Salvationism .
8 The case concerned a rusty old car which had belonged to one M. The structure of the car had rusted at the sides of the engine compartment and M had attempted to repair this with plastic body filler .
9 Vaguely Meredith was aware that the protesters and the other surrounding crowd members had parted like the waves of the Red Sea , falling back on either side leaving Harriet , Blazer and the protester isolated .
10 The White Paper was the first the public had heard of the discussions on full employment policy since the Beveridge report .
11 But when the King of Toledo heard of the hurt which he had received at the hands of the Cid , he sent to King Don Alfonso to complain thereof , and the King was greatly troubled .
12 He had run away from his home in Chicago when he was fifteen and still bore the scars from the beating he had received at the hands of his father after his parents had discovered he was gay .
13 Historically , the Senate 's claim to a say in the making of foreign policy had depended on the provisions in the Constitution regarding treaty-making .
14 He had depended on the Britons for support , and may have felt obliged to provide defences : so I argued .
15 The children gave the same simple obedience as they had given to the men with the megaphones . ’
16 Thus , Barker ( 1984 ) , in her study of the Moonies , gave a questionnaire similar to that which she had given to the Moonies to a group of people who were matched with the Moonies with respect to sex , age , and background .
17 The details recalled by Carol during the regression ( and which she continued to remember afterwards ) tallied precisely with those she had given to the police on the night the rape had occurred .
18 Vice-President Gonzalo Aguirre Ramírez had joined in the demands for the dismissal of Braga , who was subsequently appointed president of the Banco de la República .
19 The journey I had just completed in the Arussi had been the first I had undertaken in the highlands of Abyssinia .
20 Unknown aliens had crafted all such force rods which had fallen into the hands of the Imperium , most notably the cache found in the ice-caverns of Karsh XIII .
21 Her seven veils were much in demand ; one had fallen into the hands of the Party 's Wessex Area Treasurer who had undertaken to make it a prize in the Christmas draw .
22 Lancaster 's expedition to Brittany also had to be postponed , probably because of the need to recover Berwick , which had fallen to the Scots in October 1355 .
23 At about the same time the French monk Abbo of Fleury was writing about the death of another English leader who had fallen at the hands of the Danes : Edmund , king of the East Angles , who had been killed in 869 .
24 He had added to the crumbs of education thrown to him by his father an ambition of his own focused on Samavia — not , to him , a real place so much as a symbol of satisfying large issues to take him out of a drab world .
25 The cheeks , also awaiting padding , had vanished into the cavities of the skull .
26 And still the faint red light up ahead came and went by fits and starts , leading them on across gale-swept open moorland , through massively still pine forests , up exposed dirt tracks and over passes whose names had vanished with the inhabitants of the farms where until a few decades earlier generation after generation of human beings had eked out lives of almost unimaginable deprivation .
27 Edward 's hopes of the crown had vanished before the gates of Rheims , but he was still in a strong enough position , with Ring John as his prisoner , to insist on a final solution to the problem of Aquitaine .
28 The discovery of the Americas and of southern Africa had synchronized with the beginnings of European printing and , throughout the sixteenth century , the expansion in European understanding of world geography and world ethnology coincided with a tremendous spread of general literacy , which was in turn accompanied by the revived and intensive study of the Bible in vernacular languages .
29 This he could recite without the book , a poem of Wilfred Owen 's which he had impressed into the minds of every one of his pupils in Battle Creek .
30 He turned up at a party one night having just managed to get back from Italy where he 'd been supposed to be studying and it came out that he 'd been to Rome , too , and had actually met her father and knew their story — better than she did — and had sat at the feet of the Marchesa Giulia .
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