Example sentences of "his [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One might speculate , as I did myself several years ago ( Widdowson 1979 : Paper 15 ) , that it is because the learner draws variably on his interim competence according to the situational demands made upon it ; that his interlanguage , in other words , contains variable rules as well as invariant categorial ones and in this respect resembles fully fledged languages ( see Ellis 1985 , Chapter 4 ) .
2 He had been there at least a week , a stain of blood spreading out from his face across the bottom mattress , his shattered body preserved by the freezing February weather .
3 Jimmy and Cardiff recoiled , but Rohmer remained calmly where he was , as the impact flung Frye 's sundered head forward , his shattered face smacking into the wall … and rapidly becoming absorbed there .
4 His right fist went into the fat stomach hallway to the elbow .
5 There , at Kemp 's home again I 'm guessing — a quarrel took place in which Kemp was struck over the head and sent stumbling in his own living room , where his right temple crashed against the kerb of the fire-place — and where he died .
6 He reduced speed considerably , dipped his headlights , began to crawl round the bends , his right foot poised over the accelerator .
7 He had a punk haircut and used his right knee to drive down the middle of the road .
8 Mr Popple peered over the side of the toilet , his right hand leaning on the toilet-seat .
9 Cardiac the patient blindfolded with a towel , his right hand placed in the mouth to stifle his own whimpers , the needle eased in to the dramatic furrow of the fifth rib space .
10 He paused as he always did at the foot of the stairs , his left hand holding the lamp , his right hand resting on the banisters .
11 Then , coming to the point where he said ‘ But , my fliends , all that has changed … ’ , he suddenly straightened up , his left hand swung up to remove the moustache , the mandarin cap and the pigtail , while his right hand peeled off the Chinese jacket and gown .
12 His eyes never left Lamarr Dean , but his right hand closed on the Spencer and it was down at his side as he walked over the few steps to the bar .
13 He uses his right arm to reach across the chrome and glass coffee table in front of us .
14 Alexandra had come to see that , perhaps two years after the disastrous birthday party , finding her father in the midst of the flock at lambing time , naked to the waist like the other shepherds , his right arm streaked with the birth slime of the lambs whose arrival had been difficult .
15 He had fallen and lain with his right cheek pressed into the wet leaves .
16 He stopped , it was n't his normal behaviour to speak to the staff in so familiar a way , after all he had his dignity .
17 Perhaps the most important consequence of a limited partner 's role is that in return for his limited liability he must give up his normal right to participate in the management of the partnership .
18 First his Y-reg Yugo crunched into the back of a trailer behind a broken-down Austin Ambassador .
19 The Friar broke off a young oak bough and waved it about his sweating forehead to keep off the flies that followed him in wavering clouds , a floating band of skirmishers that his ceaseless counter-attacks could not drive away .
20 During 1781 and 1782 therefore , Watt made the engine double-acting and produced rotary motion using his sun-and-planet gear shown in the drawing of Watts rotative beam engine of 1788 .
21 He still works with great enthusiasm , his voice is still used to brilliant effect as he tells one of his marvellous stories , and his caustic wit cuts through the humbug and pretence of much of the art world .
22 But he 'd been in his prime then , a match for any King Lud who 'd taken it into his weak head to break into the Dallam weaving sheds , in the dead of night , and start smashing his machines to bits .
23 He was wise enough in his broadcasts to refrain from one tactic , the inspiration of that chill fear which some of his political ranting achieved in the 193()s .
24 John Major … his political survival hangs in the balance after yesterday 's Commons onslaught by ex-Chancellor Lamont
25 There was a second clattering of footsteps and Ian appeared , his tall figure framed in the sliding door .
26 Struggling with a painful emotion which she preferred not to analyse , but which felt uncomfortably like jealousy , Luce watched his tall figure disappear into the café .
27 Remembering how responsive Faye 's blood glucose level was to stress , she was about to monitor its level , but , as she got out the kit , Tom arrived , his tall figure catapulting into the room and only a slight untidiness to his dark hair betraying the fact that he had so recently been locked in Marise 's arms in the garden .
28 Then , staring across the moonlit yard , she saw his tall figure standing at the top of the slope leading down to the river .
29 When his telling cross arrived in the danger area , Stainrod stole in on the blind side of the Perth defence to power the ball home first time from 12 yards .
30 He then expends so much of his emotional energy wallowing in the aura that when the gun goes for the start there 's nothing left of the real thing .
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