Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In answer to his pull at the doorbell a butler appeared who regretted , on Charles 's enquiry for Lord Southdown , that His Lordship was out .
2 It is enough to say that , having adopted the character of Oliver Twist , I have been fortunate in meeting with a kindlier and less formidable response than he ; and while anyone who knows the editor 's capabilities must realise that it is not beyond his powers to write a further introduction of the same delight as that preceding Volume II , it would be unreasonable to complain that in his assessment of the situation the needs of prompt publication have been put first .
3 ‘ I 'm so sorry , Delia , ’ Rosen said , and immediately thought : Blast , remembering her cold reception of his sympathy on the telephone the night before .
4 About half way along its length , he located the barred skylight window he had noted as a possible means of entry , during his recce of the house the day of the interview with Jim Miller .
5 Phillip Thorpe , deputy chief executive of the Securities and Futures Authority , has been seconded for six months to assist Andrew Large , chairman of the Securities and Investments Board , in his review of the way the SIB carries out its regulatory responsibilities .
6 He knew that he was the winner because he saw his photograph in the newspaper the next day .
7 ‘ His style is always crisp and to the point ; his command of the language a constant reminder that good television journalism lies in words as well as pictures . ’
8 After his inclusion in the side the Town rose from seventeenth place to third , where they finished the season , their highest position yet .
9 There had been plenty of leg-pulling already about his return to the camp the previous evening slightly the worse for wear from the ternum .
10 By a notice of appeal dated 23 March 1992 the father appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the judge had been wrong to conclude that he had no jurisdiction to make the orders sought and ( 2 ) having found that A. had been removed from his home with the father the judge had failed to order his return whether pursuant to section 8 of the Children Act 1989 or otherwise .
11 putting the marmalade on his toast in the hotel the knife
12 He seemed to be deeply immersed in thought and was driving mechanically , his skill at the wheel a product of experience and finely honed reflexes , not of intense concentration .
13 There was a dark stain around the crotch of the trousers ; Magee wrinkled his nose at the stench the old man was giving off .
14 Draw his attention to the way the same syllables recur in different words : pic-ture o-pin-ion frac-ture on-ion. tor-ture Many common errors can be cured by syllabifying .
15 Forster settled down , only putting his eye to the slit every half minute , not continually as he had started to do .
16 Britain 's innings began in 1984 , when Gorbachev made his name as a man the West could do business with .
17 When Mr Newton arrived at Clifford 's home , he had slapped his wife across the face a number of times .
18 I then drafted a statement for the management side and sent it by hand to Mellowes who was sufficiently impressed by this initiative to pop his head around the door an hour later with a look of something less than mistrust .
19 SEVEN MILLION tons of feedback and distortion , teeth-grindingly immense versions of ‘ Summertime Blues ’ and ‘ Shakin' All Over ’ , with Roger Daltrey twirling the microphone above his head like a helicopter a lot — it was a classy night out , alright .
20 I vowed there and then to give him his share of the money the day he set foot in England ; I wanted to be rid of all those Trumpers and their distracting problems once and for all .
21 Owner Louie Lalonde will tell you how Bill broke his own rule by sitting with his back to the door the night Jack ‘ Broken Nose ‘ McCall crept in and shot him .
22 While Marx 's own writing does not relate ideology directly to ‘ false consciousness ’ there is in his use of the term a meaning of distortion and a failure to represent ‘ reality ’ while at the same time being determined by material reality .
23 In January 1983 , BBC2 's Man Alive showed a documentary called ‘ Only Time Would Tell ’ which discussed the life of Matthew Crosby , an 18 year old Down 's teenager mainly through the eyes of his mother , Anne Crosby , who continues to believe that Matthew would have been better off dead and recalls her desire to end his life with a pillow a few days after his birth .
24 Perhaps Benny Katz did n't want to spend the rest of his life as a viklehnik a weekly-payment collector .
25 My own study is indebted to Fanon 's analysis of how discrimination is internalized psychically and perpetuated socially between subordinated groups , classes , and races — what , in relation to the latter , he calls ‘ the racial distribution of guilt ’ ( Black Skin , 103 ) ; also to his realization of the way the demonizing of the other is , above all , a mercurial process of displacement and condensation , so fluid yet always with effects of a brutally material , actually violent kind .
26 Mme Cresson 's first speech in the Assemblée Nationale as Prime Minister made it clear that the President had asked her to form a government for specific policy objectives , defined by him , and Mitterrand underlined this himself in his broadcast to the nation the night of the change of government .
27 Alternatively he can use his understanding of the way the metaphors and structures of significance are used to sustain the institution , and thus reveal the system to be the product of a specific mode of thought , which is only one possibility among many .
28 In his report on the service the divisional inspector for Scotland South , Tony Course , observed : ‘ the crews ’ response was in the highest tradition of lifeboat service .
29 ‘ At the time the [ father ] made his application to the court the local authority had decided that it was in the best interests of the children that they be placed with long-term foster parents .
30 The winner is the one who can out-bluff his opponent and keep his hand on the pad the longest .
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