Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 He stood back in the street , the rain stinging his eyes , wetting him to the skin , getting in his mouth and eyes ; warm rain , huge hard drops , slicking and sticking the clothes to his body ; erotic , making his heart beat faster in a sudden , squally sexual fantasy ; she would invite him in … no , better yet , she would turn up in the street , having been out , also wet to the skin , she would look at him … they would go in …
2 In terms of legal status the clerk had first of all the right to have his case tried only before a church court — the " privilege of the forum " .
3 Next morning , as Wemmick and I walked back to London , I noticed his face becoming dryer and harder , and his mouth becoming more like a post-box again .
4 She walked with him to his carriage , the reckless high-perch phaeton she had seen often enough outside the Fleece , his horse held now by a wizened little urchin quite blue with cold , to whom he tossed a coin .
5 The Frenchman , before turning to her sons , let his glance fall pointedly for a moment to the swell of her breasts tightly bodiced beneath a new Fifth Avenue day dress of sheer white silk chiffon ; then he smiled secretly at her again and this undisguised expression of passionate interest brought a faint flush to her face .
6 His action reads more like a page from Austerlitz or Borodino than from the grey annals of the First World War .
7 And you will become aware of technical skills — noticing economy of effect and style , seeing and hearing how an actor interprets a script , and how his thinking comes across in a performance .
8 The former British champion , who lives at Middleton St George , near Darlington , had his femur pinned together after a nasty smash at Cadwell Park last year .
9 Prefaced by a group of madrigals of amorous frustration , just as Monteverdi wanted , his Combattimento came across as a highly stylised , even stilted , affair .
10 his beak prised apart like a pistachio nut
11 His body slumped lifelessly like a torn rag doll .
12 Donald had his brow lowered now like a bullock and his eyes were hot .
13 His imagination centred again on a kind of calque , a diagrammatic reversal .
14 Another Baby Bell , Pacific Telesis , sought his approval to go ahead with a cable deal in Chicago .
15 More than anything else could have been , it was searingly expressive of the contempt in which he held her , because he had ignored her face where her personality and individuality were written , his attention given wholly to a part of her body — and a body was just a body as far as she was concerned , with nothing to do with one 's emotional identity .
16 Her eyes were on a level with his chest , where his tie hung crookedly from a casually loosened knot .
17 ‘ So I see , ’ I said nervously , watching as he smacked his lips for fire to stream from his mouth , the top of his head to fly upwards on a jet of steam or his eyes to turn into Catherine wheels .
18 Jacques Devraux continued to ride straight-backed in his saddle without acknowledging the grudging apology , and Paul was beginning to wish he had left it unsaid when his father spoke again in a softer tone .
19 With his fair hair , the stubble on his chin showed only as a slight blurring of the normally sharp jawline , but the rest of his face was a bruise of tiredness and strain .
20 His chin rose quickly in a proud gesture and George 's heart warmed to him .
21 What is known of his life comes mainly from a memorial sermon preached by his friend and successor as bishop , George Rust , and from his own books .
22 On present form , ’ he said , his voice warming wearily into a semblance of the voice she knew best , ‘ she only pulls people out . ’
23 His voice sank almost to a whisper .
24 The miracle is that His will prevails generally across a million worlds .
25 Between the windows , in the cool shade , his uncle sat upright in a chair , asleep .
26 Though Mustakimzade asserts that Fahreddin Acemi studied under al-Taftazani , this seems unlikely as the latter died in 792/1389–90 , and one suspects that his statement derives either from a misreading of the genealogy or from a faulty genealogy .
27 His cock lay against Richard 's and his hand searched underneath for a hole gently probing .
28 With his hand pressed firmly to a creased brown , Spencer uttered : ‘ Oh man , if I 'd known you were gon na wear shoes like that , we would n't have been having this conversation … ‘
29 YASSER ARAFAT , the Palestine Liberation Organisation leader , emerged bruised but with his popularity enhanced yesterday from a crash landing of his aircraft in a Libyan desert sandstorm .
30 Rupert Murdoch 's father built an empire in Australia : his son did so on a world scale .
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