Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Which was when the other horse got to Hullabaloo 's quarters , a big , handsome bay , his bit covered in a white froth , his nostrils wide and red , and his eye set fast on the forthcoming obstacle .
2 The Prince acknowledged their greetings as he and his favourite sat in the two great throne-like chairs at the high table .
3 He was about four feet away when his foot caught in the electric flex he was dragging and he stumbled forward off balance .
4 When he has not seen the man he has hoped to see , his long spine slackens and he falls back upon the red vinyl of the booth with his eyes closed and his foot shaking in a livid tic .
5 His statue stands in the delightful Place Royale , above the possessive caption of ‘ Lou Nouste Henric ’ , or ‘ Our Henry ’ in the local Gas con patois .
6 Down was one of the outstanding medical students of his generation , and his decision to work in the neglected and perhaps despised field of mental deficiency was courageous .
7 EDDIE NEWTON , the rising Chelsea star who had his jaw smashed in a racist attack just six months ago , is determined to break Manchester United hearts at Stamford Bridge today .
8 He was interrupted by Bill Martin 's return to the room , his jaw set in a determined line .
9 Jews and the ‘ Jewish Question , were mentioned as such neither in Hitler 's New Year exhortation to his Party at the beginning of 1932 , nor in his notorious speech to the Düsseldorfer Industrieklub in January , nor in his ‘ Appeal to the Nation ’ , sold as a record in July and typical of his election addresses in the first half of the year .
10 A canoeist died when his canoe overturned in the swollen River Ogwen in north Wales .
11 Paatelainen had only been introduced as a substitute but he certainly made his presence felt in no uncertain manner with his 56th minute strike .
12 But at the same time , if there is a God , it is perfectly plausible to argue that He would desire the discussion of His existence to proceed in the argumentative , confused and doubting way in which it currently does .
13 What part , for example , did his teaching play in the increasing secularization of modern society ?
14 He also declared his willingness to participate in the second round of the presidential poll and said that UNITA would attend forthcoming multiparty talks convened by the MPLA-PT .
15 His hair curled in a thick golden tangle , his skin stretched taut and golden-bronze over his rolling muscles and over his high cheekboned , demonically handsome face .
16 His deficit arises in a subsequent stage of attending to these figures , at which he neglects the left of figures wherever they appear , and thus can not judge explicitly whether they are symmetrical about the vertical .
17 Sitting at peace with his ailing woman , tenderly responsive , he imagined his mouth curved in a mysterious smile ‘ like that of Rembrandt himself in his self-portrait in which Saskia is sitting on his knee and he has a glass of wine in his hand . ’
18 His mouth curved in a faint smile .
19 His mouth twisted in a derisive smile .
20 He ordered me to cut this lot immediately ’ — he laid heavy stress on the word , his mouth twisted in a sardonic grin — ‘ and I told him it would have to wait till this afternoon . ’
21 Guy glanced at her , his mouth twisted in a mocking smile .
22 Then , to her startled amazement , his mouth twisted in a brief , shamefaced smile .
23 His mouth twisted in a brief grin of self-mocking apology .
24 He took a brief drink of champagne , and his mouth twisted in a humourless smile .
25 His mouth twisted in a bitter little smile .
26 Gently at first , but as it aroused her he opened his mouth to take in the full upward curve of her left breast .
27 Ludens looked his craziest , his hair jagged , his dark eyes narrowed , the corners of his mouth raised in a ghastly contorted grin of fear .
28 One corner of his mouth tilted in a rare smile .
29 Nathan shook his head , his mouth twisting in a humourless smile .
30 One corner of his mouth lifted in a self-mocking grin .
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