Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 His breathing has on occasion to be assisted by the administration of oxygen .
2 He would become again a Northern Ireland Protestant — though with a difference , certainly : he was no longer a resident ; he was learned ; he had the wonderful gifts both of imagination and a clear and analytical mind ; and above all his faith came of Grace to which he responded heroically , in patience and self-sacrifice — when he was aware of himself .
3 On Sept. 9 former Emperor Jean-Bedel Bokassa had his sentence reduced from life to 20 years ' hard labour .
4 He kept quiet , excepting that his look changed from friendliness to seriousness .
5 The little man made a noise in his throat and his glance leapt from Marcus to the three screws and back .
6 Indeed , the authorities upon which Mr. Collins relied in support of his submission proved on examination to be cases in which the possibility of a defence had been disposed of in that way .
7 I watched his silhouette moving from seat to seat , watching the others , shuffling and sidling closer , sometimes stopping as if uncertain , but then moving again until he was next to someone .
8 His academic career included the Chair in Contemporary art history at the University of Siena and his bibliography ranges from Mannerism to the Metaphysical painters and Guttuso .
9 The tone of his correspondence varies from self-mockery to flights of fancy , and the handwriting changes almost as much : angular or rounded , neat or sprawling .
10 Peter Parker does his best for Ackerley , praises his work — minor , but with an odd verve — and tries to bring out the more endearing sides to his nature revealed in letters to friends .
11 On Saturday I sat there watching his team lose at home to Chelsea and listening to an Australian Evertonian who was back at Goodison for the first time since he emigrated in 1985 .
12 It has been said that in recent years his allegiance shifted from Sisley to Monet ! ’
13 When Green and his wife went on holiday to Corfu , he had sent Miss Warburton two love letters , in one of which he spoke about his ‘ current other half ’ .
14 Like an out-take from Falcon Crest , Souness and his wife moved from villa to mansion and back again , but his incurable obsession with football ultimately led to divorce and to a painful separation which distanced Souness from his children .
15 Swinton have reduced the asking price on six players , including the winger Derek Bate , who has had his price cut from £45,000 to £35,000 .
16 Swinton have reduced the asking price on six players , including the winger Derek Bate , who has had his price cut from £45,000 to £35,000 .
17 He was still conscious and was moaning loudly , his head moving from side to side .
18 Then my father slowly raised his rifle and there was the tiger , padding towards us along a narrow game trail , his head moving from side to side .
19 Twiceover Micky will be there , for I know he likes it , leaving it until tomorrow night to preside over the first night of The Hamburg Ballet , one of the great ballet companies of the world , which he has sold his soul and what else only his God knows to cajole to Belfast , its first-ever visit to these islands .
20 So he rejects his former selfish hiving-off from the rest of the human race ( lines 53–6 ) ; from now on even worse sights than Beaumont 's painting will be welcome , for they will reinforce his resolve to endure in patience to the end ( lines 57–9 ) .
21 Mr Park told him ‘ that his authority extended beyond Wolverton to Crewe also ; and then we have repairing sheds at Carlisle and Willesden . ’
22 It 's beautiful to think there 's a man who spends his life going from hotel to hotel , paying chambermaids to let him look in beds slept in by women , in the hope of finding some hairs !
23 Holy is his name , and his mercy reaches from age to age for those who fear him .
24 A bus driver has been jailed for life for murdering a twenty-year-old woman who was the only passenger on his bus travelling from Liverpool to Wigan .
25 He felt every motion of tongue and tooth in play upon him , his prick particularized by her appetite , becoming vast in his mind 's eye until it was his body 's size : a veiny torso and a blind head lying on the bed of his belly wet from end to end , straining and shuddering , while she , the darkness , swallowed him utterly .
26 The limitation is easy to spot : the unspoken assumption that the industrial and economic wealth of his country belongs by right to the whites ; and that any discomforts the blacks suffer are an unfortunate legacy of history .
27 In fairness to the company , I should add that former chairman John Kerridge , who retired on health grounds in February , saw his pay reduced from £441,553 to £343,356 .
28 His autobiography tells of expeditions to Houndslow Heath , on the advice of Major John Wildman [ q.v. ] , to dig up buried treasure , of programmes of alchemical experiments , and of meetings with dignitaries from the fairy kingdom of the ‘ Lowlanders ’ ( whose Queen , Penelope , he believed he married ) .
29 Orcadai was C'zinsit 's elder brother , and spent most of his time travelling from fief to fief , overseeing the military training of conscripts and inspecting the condition of arms and equipment .
30 Tom Berman , now in Israel , still has the first letter his mother wrote from Czechoslovakia to the Millers in Glasgow on 14 June 1939 .
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