Example sentences of "his [noun] were [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 His talents were wasted on the tabloid for which he worked .
2 His eyes were fixed on the forms which he was signing and stamping as fast as he could go .
3 His eyes were fixed on the hint of plumpness under the girl 's armpit .
4 His eyes were fixed on the place where the path disappeared into the fog .
5 Roylott was sitting on a chair , and his eyes were fixed on the air-vent .
6 She expected some fury but none was forthcoming and she glanced across at him to find his eyes were fixed on the mountains , his face sombre .
7 He was n't looking at me as he spoke , his eyes were fixed on the tatty door of the Mimosa .
8 Behind his Oakley sunglasses his eyes were focused on the inner drama of his own existence .
9 He and his ideas were portrayed on the London stage by G. B. Shaw in his play , The Doctor 's Dilemma .
10 Barrymore , the butler , and his wife were waiting on the steps at the main entrance .
11 A ghostly man and his dog were spotted on the station at the turn of the century and many people believe they are still around .
12 His forearms were lying on the desk and his skinny torso was framed by a proscenium arch of ring binders , set on shelves that marched up and over his head .
13 In dense jungle or tall grass the shooting was usually done from elephant back , a comparatively safe exercise except when a cornered tiger sprang at the howdah in which the shikari and his gun-bearer were poised on the elephant .
14 Of course somebody , Who Shall Be Nameless , would bring up the subject of Burns-And-You-Know-What , and how many of his children were born on The Wrong Side Of The Blanket , What Right Had We to look down on Brown Owl for her shotgun wedding when we were all supposed to look up to Rabbie Burns as Our Big Hero ?
15 His clothes were draped on the back of a chair in front of the fire .
16 Elkington denies that his recommendations were based on the BATNEEC principle ( Best Available Techniques Not Entailing Excessive Cost ) , at the expense of full environmental accountability .
17 It was his original idea ; his recommendations were used on the ‘ look ’ , and he even recorded some special ‘ whoops ’ for it .
18 The man and his brother were standing on the platform minding their own business . ’
19 His ashes were scattered on the course and his bonds given to the Club .
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