Example sentences of "his [noun] from [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Happily Mr White soon abandons this sort of yuk and reveals much that is interesting in Hawking 's life at Cambridge and later abroad ; his progress from stick to crutches to wheelchair to electric car , from whispered speech to tracheotomy to a computerised voice machine ; the problems of finding suitable accommodation , exacerbated by an unhelpful bursar ; the birth of his three children ; difficulties with his wife Jane , to whom he owed so much , and their eventual separation ; his love of dancing and dinner parties , and always his stubborn courage in refusing to regard himself or allow others to regard him as anything but normal .
2 Would he be content to leave her in charge of Thomas and merely check on his progress from time to time , or might he endeavour to wield control in her — his — their son 's life ?
3 He found only Ulysses deeply human , with his craftiness and patience , and Oedipus , who wished to find out the unaccommodable truth about himself , and Perseus , who kept his heart from turning to stone .
4 ‘ Even the arrogant swine Luke Denner needs to put his case from time to time ! ’
5 His closed fist shot to his mouth from time to time , followed by a few slow chews .
6 To help the patient transfer his weight from foot to foot , a side-to-side movement of the pelvis is performed , with the patient well stabilized by the plinth he is facing .
7 ‘ Jimmy was able to shift his weight from left to right .
8 The sequence of modern physiotherapy treatment normally follows a pattern : the patient has to recover his ability to balance first and foremost ; then he has to recover his ability to transfer his weight from side to side ; standing balance is the next stage , accompanied by the ability to sit down from standing up , and to stand up from sitting ; selective movements using the affected arm and leg come next ; then he learns to make steps , followed by walking ; function in the upper limb ( arm ) and controlling it in order to make selective movements against gravity happens at a late stage ; the final rehabilitation task is to regain functional , detailed movements in the affected hand and foot .
9 Gav stood by the hall table , shifting his weight from side to side and glancing nervously down at the phone now and again .
10 But the two lifestyles were incompatible ; the herdsman followed — and later drove — his animals from grazing to grazing and became a nomad , whilst the gatherer settled down to till the soil and defend his crops from predators .
11 The Necromundans glanced curiously at that blind , fey figure of a man who was as alabastine as the idol of the primarch — his flesh almost translucent — yet who could speak with his mind from star to star , and could even report directly to the Emperor , should a sufficiently momentous situation arise .
12 So I read every one of his books from cover to cover .
13 I suspect that Pound never went further into Aubeterre than this inn , and one needs to have walked in his footsteps from Chalais to Aubeterre to see how he could well have done this , skirting the hill , stopping for perhaps a mid-day meal in the inn , and then pushing on at once for La Tour Blanche .
14 He was assisted in his work from time to time by Samuel Holmes , a graduate of Magdalene College , Cambridge , who hoped to succeed him , but in fact on 27th July 1683 Timothy Dobson , of Jesus College , Cambridge , was appointed .
15 The formality of the dining-room furnishings seemed at first to change his mood from ease to starch , but it appeared to me after a short while that he was troubled rather by indecision as to which side I was now on , them or us .
16 Shifting his grip from handhold to handhold , he reached the companionway to the cockpit .
17 His transfer from religion to art was now complete .
18 Again he ran his gaze down his reflection from shoulder to loins .
19 Between 1949 and 1954 much of his spare time had been given to poetic scribbling ; and he was also giving voice to a measure of vacillation and disillusionment , which we shall encounter in his poetry from time to time .
20 Claire Cannon , prosecuting , said Piper was seen driving his vehicle from side to side on the A12 at 11.30 pm on April 21 .
21 Every time that he had been inside the Citadel he went home as soon as his day 's work was finished and scrubbed his body from toe to scalp .
22 The Glasgow High-Kelvinside prop AL WATT , at 6ft. 5ins and 19 stone one of the bigger ‘ beasties ’ on the British scene , discusses his shift from lock to front row forward with BILL McLAREN .
23 As Lefevre drew his sword , the whip snaked out to catch him full in the face , ripping open his cheek from temple to jaw .
24 Two speechless simian Servitors attended him , one to ingest his waste and cleanse him , the other to nourish him with its own enriched blood and shift his cart from window to window — from which he gazed out , praying for an exploration vessel of his Chapter to pass this way .
25 Conversation was not easy : " Eliot turned his head from speaker to speaker , with a slight jerk , emitting a nervous tic " yes " or " hmm " every few seconds .
26 He stood in a familiar , flamboyant posture with his hands on his hips and his chin stuck out , constantly turning his head from left to right and back again , to take in his entire audience .
27 Surely he would come down the street from this direction , she would soon see him , turning his head from left to right to make sure nobody was there to witness their assignation .
28 He pulled on his trousers and went quickly over to turn up the music , moving his head from side to side in time to the beat .
29 The German stopped moving his head from side to side and looked at me .
30 He had started moaning again and moving his head from side to side .
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