Example sentences of "his [noun] at the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This was how North presented his case at the public hearings , never doubting .
2 Another bogus defector was code-named Fedora , possibly in reality Viktor Lessiovski , who used his work at the United Nations as a cover .
3 He did n't score because United 's gallant John Pemberton got under his feet at the critical moments like a wad of chewing gum .
4 The Albanian leader could express his shock at the gangsterish methods of Gheorghiu-Dej in the late 1940s without for one moment admitting to himself , let alone to his readers , that he was even remotely hypocritical given his own tendency to resort to rubbing out rivals personally ( including shooting his prime minister and long-term comrade-in-arms , Mehmet Shehu , in 1981 ) .
5 It 's time you learned a bit of respect for Mr Harker 's babies — ’ jerking his head at the rumbling monsters all around them .
6 Perhaps this is the Rev. Fred Levison 's ‘ line ’ with his customers at the religious books ' stall ?
7 Benjamin pointed with the tip of his finger at the purple-red crosses on the corpse 's chest .
8 An applicant for such a grant requires to lodge with his application a plan of the premises to which the application relates and to display a notice intimating his application at the proposed premises ( subss. ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) ) .
9 He gestured over his shoulder at the other members of the golfing Press .
10 The white man , as is his habit , acted as though it all came as an immense surprise , and having registered his perturbation at the undamned reservoirs of fury from those previously ‘ unheard ’ , called for reconciliation and mutual forgiveness and understanding .
11 Dr Clarke aimed his remarks at the key issues of the election campaign : health , education and the economy .
12 Baxter 's work and his royal connections made him famous during the years directly following the Great Exhibition and he gained public recognition for his achievements : he was awarded the great gold medal of Austria ( 1852 ) , and medals for his exhibits at the Great Exhibitions in New York ( 1853 ) and Paris ( 1855 ) , was elected a member of the Royal Society of Arts ( 1855 ) , and received the grand gold medal of Sweden ( 1857 ) .
13 He had been able to moisten his throat at the clear streams of water which crossed the track but the sustenance of ale or wine to which his great frame was accustomed was denied him and he had taken no food since he had shared bread , cheese , and ham with Marian and Allen after the fight with the sturdy beggars .
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