Example sentences of "his [noun] to [art] [noun pl] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Broderick had even written a letter expressing his sympathy to the victims ' family .
2 Mr Clarke 's reaction reveals the same double standard as did his reaction to the doctors ' equally democratic verdict which he proceeded to dismiss .
3 Said to have an equal aversion to women and cats , he left most of his library to a women 's college , St Anne 's .
4 Nevertheless , the king had to send his justices to the clergy 's deliberations and threatened to take the names of opposers , and it took all Winchelsey 's good will and best arts to elicit from them a grant of one tenth for the current year and another , should it be necessary , in the following year .
5 ‘ Hello , Malcolm , ’ said Hilary Frome , pausing at the door of the sick bay on his way to the boarders ' common room .
6 He opened the boomgate and Whitlock gave him a friendly wave as he drove past on his way to the visitors ' car park .
7 Up to now , he had always competed in the skating events and had escorted one of his classmates to the Teens ' Square Dance , held well away from the elegant ball .
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