Example sentences of "his [noun] [adv prt] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the course of his summing up to the jury , he stated :
2 Then , very slowly and deliberately , Doyle tore the two halves of the photograph across and across , into a shower of tiny pieces that fell through his fingers on to the floor .
3 There was a glimmer of amusement in his dark eyes as he slid his fingers down to the pulse drumming wildly at the base of her throat .
4 frank dropped his hands and would have fallen , had she not steadied him and guided his fingers back to the bandage .
5 But he had to play his part through to the end .
6 He gripped it with his hands , got his foot on to the latch , heaved up and rolled over the top .
7 He wheeled his bike round to the back .
8 l Louise looked at her young son and suggested he might like to take his easel on to the patio .
9 She watched him warily as he dropped his briefcase on to the chair next to her own and perched on the arm , stretching out long legs , and running his fingers through his hair .
10 I seem to remember a couple of his headers back to the goalie going astray last year ( including one in that humil iating defeat at Man City , 4–0 ) .
11 Peter was famous for nothing besides denying the Lord and putting his foot in his mouth up to the kneecap on several occasions , but he was chosen .
12 Its owner who did not want , or did not dare , to bring his boat round to the jetty ?
13 ‘ Wonderful weather , Lady Deverill ! ’ the young man called to his victim as he cantered through the iron gates and reined his horse back to a walk .
14 He wheeled his horse back to the barricade and drove the animal hard at the frightened infantrymen .
15 Doggett spurred away , followed by a reluctant Nosey , while Sharpe dismounted and led his horse back to the chestnut trees which grew at the road 's fork .
16 Then , careless of the damage he did himself , he hoisted his bulk on to the sill , beat out the rest of the pieces of glass with his hand , and dropped down into the room on the other side .
17 His switch back to the north is a boost after the recent moves by so many of England 's top players .
18 It was obviously felt that protectionism , a policy which Austen Chamberlain 's father had encouraged , might attract Austen and his supporters back to the centre of the Conservative Party .
19 He clasped and unclasped his wiry hands two or three times as though wringing out a rag , pulled his legs on to the bed , sat back and replied in a raucous whisper .
20 He shrugged , tossing the book on to the table and swinging his legs down to the floor .
21 The example is the famous case in which a man unintentionally drove his car on to a police-officer 's foot and then declined to remove it , for a minute or two , when asked .
22 But , when she saw one of the tough , huge policemen casting his eyes up to the ceiling in exasperation , she hurriedly continued her story .
23 Willie fixed his eyes on to the gate and held his breath .
24 Markby turned his eyes back to the report .
25 He has a snow scooter , and enough cash to hire a boat twice a year to move his reindeer on to an island .
26 Greg tried to switch his mind back to the problem in hand .
27 Dixon 's mention of clothes had pulled his mind back to the discovery of Kemp 's body , and he asked Lewis much the same question he had asked Max , receiving much the same answers .
28 They were almost at the church before he wrenched his mind back to the present .
29 Karlheinz Pintsch jerked his mind back to the present .
30 Will the Minister cast his mind back to the letter that he wrote to me last October — a soothing reply to the representations that I had made to him — pointing out that the Salford careers service , which covers my constituency , had forecast a shortfall of between 400 and 450 YTS places ?
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