Example sentences of "his [noun] [verb] him [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of wrestling with the imponderables of land and trees and drainage and crops , he was back where his skills gave him a harsh certainty .
2 A demand from his bladder gave him a happy idea .
3 ‘ Bearing in mind that it will be Ian McGeechan 's last game as Scotland coach , it 's a perfect setting for Gavin and his side to give him a fitting send-off , ’ said Best , who will be taking a video of the Murrayfield game back with him and will spend this week poring over it , looking at both the performances of Scotland and potential Lions .
4 His sole gave him a peculiar sensation , realising that it was undone and dragging , made him laugh , in retort , but secretly , inside .
5 When he came to Arsenal , James told Chapman in no uncertain terms that he did n't like his plan to make him a scheming inside-forward .
6 Ironically , Johnson 's lawless image endeared as much as it repelled. he was obviously a player who was easily unhinged but in the odd chemistry of Scotland 's footballing psyche , his recklessness made him a dangerous but likeable rogue .
7 One wonderful story is that he decided against a career in mathematics when his teacher gave him a poor mark in an exam for answering a problem correctly but not using the method taught in class .
8 Unlike the passages on Seyh Abdulkerim , Molla Abdulkerim or Molla Yegan , however , about all of whom Mustakimzade has some sort of reservation , this passage on Hizir Bey contains no reference to or any derivation of it ; and it would seem from his particular vagueness in relation to Hizir Bey and his failure to accord him a separate article that while he is aware of the claim that Hizir Bey became Mufti , he is unsure of his relationship to the main stream of Muftis and probably regards him as not having been part of it .
9 His record makes him an outstanding candidate for an R Y A Award .
10 His wife darted him an impatient look .
11 His wife gave him a long level look with no liking in it at all , and Penelope Huntley watched , fascinated .
12 The 24th grand prix win of his career gives him a commanding lead in the world championship .
13 A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy died in hospital after being hit by a car while his father taught him the Green Cross Code .
14 By the time that man gets to Riga he will know his way around the town and every detail of his life from the day his father gave him a light-brown teddy-bear , to the movie show he watched last night .
15 Last year his father gave him a new car — a very fast car .
16 His father gave him a white convertible Mercedes 300 for his eighteenth birthday .
17 His claim gave him a useful propaganda weapon , some bargaining power in negotiations , and a basis on which to appeal to discontented French vassals ; it was also a convenient argument with which to counter Philip 's confiscation of Aquitaine .
18 His friends called him an easy-going chap ; his enemies called him weak .
19 His silken touch , his ability to play off either foot , and his pace make him an obvious crowd-pleaser .
20 Kit Everard had his men raise him a sleeping pavilion on the eastern bank across the creek from the saman tree where he had established his strategic headquarters .
21 His employer gave him a glowing reference and spoke about him to a friend by the name of Sir Algernon Clark , a fellow businessman who was having problems with insurance brokers over the size of the premium for insuring his wharf and its most valuable contents .
22 Those who liked the Prince called him Slender Billy , while his detractors called him the Young Frog .
23 There are many reminiscences of the two men together at Carlyle Mansions — Hayward talkative and Eliot silent , Hayward persuading Eliot to quote from memory long passages from the Sherlock Holmes stories ( there was an element of putting his famous companion " on show " in such circumstances , although his disease allowed him a certain immunity from conventional social niceties ) , Eliot on occasions reciting his poetry with " an actor 's pleasure " I Eliot standing behind Hayward 's wheelchair at literary parties — almost at attention , as one observer noticed .
24 He never earned a degree , but an allowance from his mother gave him the financial independence to devote himself to a career as writer .
25 He was a tall , attractive man in his mid-forties , the grey hair at his temples giving him a distinguished look .
26 Heston 's wartime service as a B-25 tail-gunner with the US 11th Air Force in the Far East and his stardom make him an ideal Chairman .
27 His brother gave him a sour glance .
28 Either he was smiling , or the gaunt hollows of his face gave him the daunting appearance of a smile .
29 Obviously caused by a simple technical fault , this spiriting away of his death gave him a singular nobility totally lacking from the rest of the film .
30 Nor had Ivor ; but the circumstances of his death gave him a posthumous popularity , if only to make the crime of which Georgina was accused seem fouler .
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