Example sentences of "his [noun] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 His enthusiasm communicated itself to the voters who responded eagerly to his promise of a " New Deal " , and he polled 22 million votes to Hoover 's 15 million , carrying 42 out of 48 states .
2 According to West European diplomats in Managua , President Daniel Ortega is running out of time in his attempts to present himself to the Nicaraguan electorate on February 25 as the ‘ peace maker ’ who ended the contra war .
3 He comically dismisses his attempts to project himself into the narrative future and finds that the past is rendered elusive by the distortions of the means he uses to recapture it .
4 More significantly , Anderson 's hesitancies undermine his attempts to assert himself in the situation .
5 And what would his heart tell him about the gods , who had singled him out for this fate ?
6 Blindly he moved his fingers to touch her between the thighs .
7 His fingers laced themselves in the loose strands of her wet hair , pulling her head back so that her body was arched against him , forcing her to face the feverish gleam in the heavy-lidded grey eyes staring down at her so intently .
8 His grip tightened , his fingers burying themselves in the knot of hair at her nape .
9 His inability to rid himself of the woman is a recurrent theme , even though a psychoanalytic institute in the US ( where for some reason another analyst has written a book which presents the patient as a great therapeutic success ) actually sent him money regularly so that he could pay her off when she got too demanding .
10 I love the passage ( Numbers 14:15-17 ) where Moses craftily dissuades God from killing his own people by suggesting other people will think he did it to cover up his inability to get them to the promised land .
11 But Mr Browning had told police his route took him via the M4 , over the Severn Bridge , and not by the more direct route of the M50 .
12 His route took him past the City of Dreams .
13 It was first spotted by Gary Walker at Wiiija Records — currently championing Huggy Bear and Cornershop and one of the ‘ 90s ’ most underestimated talent scouts — who flew to Belfast with the last of his money to sign them in the early days .
14 His decision to use it as the basis for a grand narrative painting can be aligned with the revival of interest in Victoriana which the Festival of Britain had stimulated and which was especially noticeable in the graphic section of the Design School at the Royal College .
15 Conflicts with his superiors deprived him of the prospect of promotion , and at the age of twenty-five he found himself on the retired list , reduced to half pay in 1812 .
16 That evening , Philip , an ex-Merchant Taylors boy who has known Iain since prep school , is at home in his room when his mum calls him to the phone .
17 His Mum took him by the shoulders and turned him to face her .
18 His willingness to prostitute himself to the worst instincts of the electorate makes Neil Kinnock look like a beacon of moral and political rectitude .
19 His mouth feathered hers with the softness of thistledown and then , incredibly , as her lips would have clung , he moved away from her , and it was like the sting of rejection , the icy dash of water cascading over her heated flesh .
20 He smiled encouragingly , and Juliet was gratified by his attempt to include her in the conversation .
21 Even though he had a job to go to with Birmingham Repertory Company , his agent sent him to the Rank interview for the experience .
22 Of course , he did n't mean it , but just for a moment the implied tenderness in his words took her by the throat .
23 Despite the fact that Dement performed experiments after this one in which his subjects showed none of the psychiatric symptoms with REM sleep deprivation , and that he himself made clear how his early observations were probably misleading about the effects of REM sleep deprivation , the idea that dreaming preserved sanity had been strongly reinforced .
24 He was so large that he seemed to fill the tiny area with his presence , and as he sat down his knees brushed hers beneath the table .
25 Whereupon I fell about in my chair at this with an effective simulacrum of sycophancy , then matadored the old charm around in front of him for a few minutes , and before you could say fundador Walt was on his knees begging me for the coup de grâce .
26 His indifference pushed her to the edge whereas he could have romanced her to the end of the world .
27 She saw his glance rake her from the top of her shining chestnut hair over her make-up-free face , and down over her pretty cotton wrap to the tips of her toes .
28 Bob and I are progressing as a piano/clarsach duo , and of course some of the accompaniments to his songs tax me to the limit , or have to be vetoed altogether .
29 He had a thin cardigan over his shoulders to protect him from the breeze .
30 ‘ He came round the desks and I kicked him in the back of his legs to get him to the floor and I used my shirt to put out the flames and Hazel gave him first aid . ’
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