Example sentences of "they [am/are] [verb] at [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Less fabric is taken up when they are placed at this angle , preventing the seamline from reducing and puckering .
2 It is understood they are staying at another holiday camp in Towyn .
3 Odour nuisance can be considerably reduced by adhering to good housekeeping practices and often byelaws are made by local authorities under s.108 of the Public Health Act 1936 to ensure they are followed at all times .
4 They are looking at some wire wool that has rusted .
5 Youngsters should not construct mains powered projects unless they are supervised at all times by a suitably experienced adult .
6 The most effective method is that of asking all members of a sample of households to keep diaries , noting what they are doing at all times of the day .
7 They are found at both ends of the world ( Syroechkovskiy , 1959 ) , being especially prominent at penguin breeding colonies in coastal Antarctica .
8 I find myself looking over my shoulder to see what it is they 're looking at that way .
9 Yeah , but they 're looking at this tape and they 're saying cor they 're a bunch of fucking thickos are n't they ?
10 The Firm uses a few muscle-brains in the Middle East and so on , but they 're employed at several removes and a lot 's done to make sure they stay overseas .
11 There 's that nice family sitting round the table on the wallchart , they 're smiling at each other while mother does the washing up .
12 After the story of the golden calf , and the tales in Numbers of the people 's continued recalcitrance , it is understandable that their God , yearning with such an ancient longing to enjoy requited love , should insist that they be protected at all costs from the allurements of other gods , and other religions .
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