Example sentences of "they [was/were] [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Glasgow and west of Scotland sons were as much a part of the company of the ‘ Founding Fathers ’ as they were involved with the vested interests of the Tobacco Barons .
2 Er , the first thing is I put on the top of my draught that I 'd rather the pupils were n't involved at this stage I 'd rather they were involved in the over view with form tutor .
3 By contrast , restorative proctocolectomy for slow transit constipation is now no longer recommended as half have had their pouch excised because they were dissatisfied with the functional results .
4 The sun was shining and they were warm on the pretty little balcony with its boxes of flowers .
5 They were prominent in the Silurian and Devonian , where they can be found with the fish-like animals that abounded in the fresh- and brackish water deposits of the time , although some of the Ordovician ones are in marine sediments .
6 He did n't actually say the words , but they were implicit in the final look he gave her before disappearing down the companionway .
7 They were invisible in the tall rye , yet their purposeful advance could be traced by the disturbance of the crop through which they moved .
8 IT 'S been a bad week for a bunch of well-connected folk who probably thought they were immune to the worst ravages of the recession .
9 What is becoming increasingly obvious is that in a society growing ever more stressful and complex , we can not hope to educate children as though they were immune to the social , economic and emotional stresses which their parents have to bear .
10 Keith Richardson says that although they were unlucky with the last kick London Irish deserved to win and had they made more of their chances :
11 If they were unshackled from the current over-rigorous financial constraints , perhaps we could make a real impact on a problem which threatens Britain 's credibility as a civilised nation .
12 The General Assembly was not restricted in its actions to those performed by the League , provided it was satisfied they were necessary for the effective carrying out of its task of supervision .
13 In the first place it could be argued that a democratic government would not impose unreasonably on minorities ; this exposed the party to Liberal charges that they were indifferent to the Irish Nationalists , but it also exposed the weakness of the government 's position , as Law explained to the Commons in January 1913 :
14 Some say they were unaware of the full impact of the new line management structure when they met to discuss it .
15 They were successful in the first aim by concentrating on Mr Smith 's shadow budget and re-exploding the tax bombshell .
16 Conservative politicians were over-confident that they knew the right policies , and to a large extent they were contemptuous towards the professional teacher .
17 They were impressed by the eco-friendly solvent spinning operation , which starts with harvested woodpulp and uses chemicals which can be totally recycled .
18 They were pre-eminent within the interest-group world and were unchecked .
19 Attributing his illness to the mental stresses and strains of the last few months , they were ignorant of the true medical causes .
20 The departing partners either decided for themselves that they were uncomfortable with the new management style or were gently helped on their way .
21 They were typical of the many Europeans we met who were tired of conventional holidays .
22 It was not effectively designed as a movement to abolish , still less to limit , mass alcoholism , but to define and set apart the class of those individuals who had demonstrated by their personal force of character that they were distinct from the unrespectable poor .
23 At first the powers showed little interest , as they were preoccupied with the post-Napoleonic settlement , following the Emperor 's final abdication on 22 June after his defeat at Waterloo four days earlier .
24 Guy took the main road out of town , and then turned off into narrow , winding , leaf-fringed lanes until they were deep in the unique peace of the Cotswold countryside .
25 They were married at the Catholic Church , Sheerness .
26 Many natural foods we have happily consumed for centuries would never be allowed to be sold in the shops today if they were subject to the same tests as modern drugs and edible substances .
27 But Middlesbrough council leader Michael Carr said they were opposed to the two tier system .
28 It thus offered a form of compensatory training for them and made no attempt to try to alter the racist structures and attitudes in the labour market by which they were disadvantaged in the first place .
29 On , on the point of representation , in fact , er , I think there have been representations made already be those authorities who felt they were disadvantaged in the first case , and so what you 've seen with , using this method of distribution , is a switch actually , of expenditure to London boroughs , London boroughs felt that they had lost , er , in the first round of S T G , but now if you look at the overall spread they and the er , Mets have gained .
30 They were alarmed by the high turnover of dealers .
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