Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So brace yourself for events which may seem puzzling at times , but which will eventually straighten themselves out , although they may leave you in an exhausted state .
2 whatever and maybe if it 's a good correspondence course they may refer you to the actual you know things you should have er read and so on
3 They may do it with the help of the symbols of the church , or the language of the Bible in the orthodox way .
4 Mail-order firms invariably have an arrangement whereby , if customers are not satisfied with the goods received , they may return them at the firm 's expense without any questions being raised .
5 If you are using special fonts do check with the bureau first , they may provide you with a copy of their screen font to install on your system as a way of ensuring that what you send them matches what they send you back .
6 If they want to say ‘ yes ? ’ or ‘ no ? ’ in a questioning manner they may say it with a rising tone — a movement from a lower pitch to a higher one .
7 Every family with a young man knows they may lose him to the war , and they are as furious about it as a swarm of bees .
8 the bank will not mind , though they may charge you for a management fee .
9 This would inevitably be slow-moving , but it was only seventy miles from Berwick , so that they must expect him before the town within the week .
10 That is , they must convict him of the offence which they think he probably did not commit .
11 They must squash them in the hand and just throw it in must n't they ?
12 Yeah , well if that 's alright , only as being that 's the , what I call the end of month , like I 've got to pay all of the bills and they must get it until the next , the end of the month
13 Even Sean 's obvious appreciation of her had served mainly to boost her confidence as to how she would look in that other man 's eyes , if by some absolute miracle they should meet him for a moment as they were driving through the grounds of Millfield House .
14 The demands made by the rebels provide the clearest guide to their grievances , and according to the Anonimalle Chronicle those put forward by the Essex men at Mile End on 14 June were that they should be allowed to seize and punish traitors , and that no man should be made a serf nor do homage or any type of service to a lord in return for land ; instead they should hold it at a rent of 4d. an acre .
15 NEXT time Simon Rattle and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra perform Messiaen 's Et Exspecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum they should do it in a great cathedral .
16 Educational facilities and the quality of teaching staff must also improve — either colleges of nursing must only employ qualified teaching staff or they should leave it to the higher education establishments , who will also be able to facilitate adequate library facilities .
17 If there is money to spend , they should give it to the man who has won two championships at Everton .
18 Bill 's idea was that they should play it as a ballad instead .
19 If the Greens ever form a government , they should use him in the commercials advocating population control .
20 ‘ People can either do the walk in one spell or a bit every weekend , though they should complete it in a 12-month period ’ said Bill .
21 are plenty of others they 'll tell you on the course .
22 You take one or two , having studied the collectors of the world , and the highly professional fences of the antique market , and place them where they 'll bring you in the best and safest return .
23 My guess is they 'll leave us to the forest .
24 If they do n't hear anything else then they 'll regard it as a false alarm .
25 Well hopefully they 'll pass them round the table .
26 They 'll poke you in the eye
27 Ah they 'll show it on the news later on .
28 They 'll throw you across the room
29 Mm , they 'll last him for a long , long time .
30 Finding the money for the cycleways could be an uphill struggle , but the forest authorities are confident they 'll do it by the end of the century .
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