Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They ought to spend it on the speaker — I would 've thought that was obvious .
2 They ought to leave it to the markets .
3 But this was because it was one-sided , they used to lock it from the outside and there was a catch on the inside as they could put in .
4 Later , when their work had become completely Cubist , Picasso and Braque devised a more elaborate and sophisticated method of dealing with solid forms but the means which they used to differentiate between the parts of planes or an object or figure and the devices they used to reconcile it to the picture plane were , it will be seen , not unlike those which Picasso used so boldly here .
5 Well that was what they call it , tortoise stove , used to be a big stove and that ai n't got no grate in they had er they used to feed it from the top ,
6 Er I saw how they used to do it in the after they 'd finished work , used to be at it till till nine or ten that night .
7 I recall many years ago a lot of people used to go on bicycles and they used to leave them in the front of those houses that are just in .
8 Er they used to march us round the playground you see and er I was in the back row and of course the teacher was at the front more or less .
9 In this area there was also a great amount of seasonal labour-migration : farm-workers going to sea after the harvest for the home fishing — half-breedfishermen they used to call them in the Saints district of north Suffolk ; and the fishing-chaps who bought or hired a horse or donkey and trap to hawk fish round the villages during the herring season ; and there was an associated dealing in horses from Scotland to satisfy the seasonal demand .
10 And they used to put them in the christmas pudding .
11 And when I come back , she had the poker in the fire : they used to put it into the stout . ’
12 Yes that used to but sometimes they used to bring it up the river and they use a lot the ballast we er did dredge for erm , for the first part of Cliff Quay , used it when they built that .
13 And you used to have a little ticket , with the days on , and they used to punch it with the old , you remember the old punching machines , do n't you ?
14 And then they used to keep you in the Winter more or less and the visitors making up So it was s a steady trade all round .
15 They used to have them in the Summer , ready for the Winter .
16 They used to have them in the in the houses you see .
17 Into these , just a crate , and they used to get the old pigs and they used to shove 'em in there , shove the trap down , and they used to load them on the ships , they went back to Poland .
18 They used to stack it on the quay .
19 stuff like that , and they used to make them through the winter and come up here in the summer and sell them .
20 ‘ I am grateful for the support given to me by the London Fire Brigade , who have done all they can to help me over the years since the fire , and I would also like to thank the Fire Brigades Union for underwriting the risks of my legal claim . ’
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