Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [verb] him a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They must give him a chance .
2 He persuaded the Stationer 's Company that they should send him a copy of each book its members printed .
3 and er , she 's got two more raises at school , they 'll give him a credit and then wrote him a letter saying that he 'll probably be expelled again , of course she went busting up there
4 I 'm sure they 'll do him a sandwich box .
5 Gabriel knocked at the door and asked if they could give him a bed for the night and a bite to eat .
6 They did a crafty one — one came out and a woman came in , very nice , telling him he had to face up to his responsibilities , she said she 'd help us , they 'd get him a job , they 'd pay his rent and he had to move in with me for a month 's trial .
7 Er I never actually had any part in it but I heard tales about er the rivet boy in particular , the they would er they would give him a wage equivalent to what they thought was was a was a reasonable wage for him , because of the fact that they were on piece work , he had to see that the rivets there on time .
8 But when he said so , hoping that they would find him a job away from the Zoo , they said instead that if he wanted he could work through the remaining years to his retirement as general helper and sweeper .
9 But they will give him a bed if he 's got him right , right ?
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