Example sentences of "they [vb base] no [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Local authorities have an unusual approach to recording their assets as they make no provision for depreciation — see chapter 8 .
2 They are conspicuous for their conciliatory terms : although they insist as firmly as ever on the prohibition of lay investiture , they make no mention of homage .
3 If , however , they show no sign of ability to make contact or to learn by five years they are placed in a special school , welfare institution or returned to family surroundings .
4 Yet as they step forward for a greeting , receiving the palms of your hands on their springy hair , they show no sign of fear or anxiety .
5 Some dogs appear to find them irresistible , although they show no interest in garden stones at home .
6 The sparrows alone , with their urchin adaptability , have found their snow legs , and know already that today the street-bottoms are as safe as the air and that they run no danger from dog or bicycle .
7 He did not think that a state in which a rich majority governed could be properly called a democracy : " suppose a total of one thousand three hundred ; one thousand of these are rich , they give no share in government to the three hundred poor , who also are free men and in other respects like them ; no one would say that these thirteen hundred lived under a democracy . "
8 Self regulation through medical audit , postgraduate education , and possibly professional reaccreditation are only a partial answer because they give no input to consumer or management .
9 No formal , authoritative documents set forth these rules , and they find no embodiment in statute law .
10 This , however , is not helpful , for ‘ chose in action ’ is a notoriously vague term used to describe a mass of interests which have little or nothing in common except that they confer no right to possession of a physical thing , and which range from purely personal rights under a contract to patents , copyrights and trade marks .
11 One of the penalties of keeping immaculate accounts is that they leave no room for hope — there were no errors in Nora 's books to offer the firm a surprise salvation .
12 They 've no interest in promotion , they 've no interest in the job really .
13 I mean they get into these jobs and really they 've no background of understanding of the exact
14 This diversity accounts for the mutually contradictory complaints that are frequently voiced by village locals : that the newcomers come in and try to run everything or that they take no part in village life and are not ‘ involved ’ .
15 Are shoppers somehow at fault if they have no concept of liquidity preference ?
16 They have no concept of time .
17 They have no protection in law against oppression be it exercised by their employers , the state or their menfolk .
18 Agents are n't keen on multiple agency agreements as they have no guarantee of commission , despite incurring the marketing costs .
19 The trouble with the British , the critic went on , and above all with British writers , is that they have no experience of invasion or concentration camps , and think politeness will always get you through .
20 However the Southampton Hospital insists that while it discourages smoking and wo n't allow it in the building , they have no ban on heart operations .
21 They have no idea of amenity , no regard for landscape and have scant interest in problems of drainage and water .
22 For years we in this country have been accustomed to say ‘ American education is superficial ’ or ‘ the trouble with American students is that they have no idea of scholarship ’ .
23 Personally I do n't think it is traditions which are weighing them down but the fact that they have no support at home .
24 They have no sense of occasion .
25 Others are amnosics either because they have no sense of smell , or their sense of smell has become temporarily impaired due to prolonged exposure to an odour .
26 They do n't have a very wide span of vision either , and they have no sense of perspective .
27 No but of course James and Danny ma erm and thingmajig find it incredibly funny because they 're incredibly thick and they have no sense of humour at all .
28 They have no sense of harmony , ’ continued the T'ang , unaware .
29 A contract is an international supply contract if three conditions are satisfied : ( a ) it is a contract for the sale of goods or it is one under , or in pursuance of which , possession or ownership of goods passes ; and ( b ) it is made by parties whose places of business ( or habitual residence , if they have no place of business ) are in the territories of different states ; and ( c ) either ( i ) at the time the contract is made , the goods are in the course of carriage , or will be carried , between the territories of two states ; or ( ii ) the acts constituting offer and acceptance were done in the territories of different states ; or ( iii ) the contract provides for the goods to be moved to the territory of a state other than that in which the offer and acceptance took place .
30 The students have all used document preparation systems in earlier courses , and perhaps in previous careers , but they have no background in design .
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