Example sentences of "they [vb base] n't [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If they do n't they go without .
2 If they do n't they go under .
3 They do n't they 've still got , they 've still got no military technology
4 We often meet people who are in in their forties and fifties on er early retirement and little bit difficult to get over the message they do n't they do n't see it as retirement and yet surprisingly very few of the people who got redundancy at forty and forty five and fifty seem to be bothered about taking up other work at all that .
5 They do n't they do n't make crab at the end .
6 They do n't they do n't accept him They came here for years ,
7 They do n't they do n't really know .
8 If they do n't they do n't do they ?
9 it opens the door , it opens the door , that 's why both my younger girls , I mean Diane 's a different policy any way cos she wants to be a , but with the other two , who worked interest in computers and when they left college I gave them crash course in , in typing not in shorthand because they do n't they do n't need shorthand nowadays ,
10 They do n't they do n't
11 They do n't they do n't smell so bad compared with the other ones do you want one Dad ?
12 They do n't they do n't give the film a very good name .
13 and they do n't they do n't bet it 's a than they are .
14 Thing is they do n't they do n't do that to young children .
15 No they do n't they cross over and they tangle up but once a branch starts off it does n't join on to another one .
16 Well they do n't they keep there prices down because they did n't spend a lot on advertising .
17 As i said , if you have problems and they do n't you do n't think they 're going to do an awful lot , get back to me cos I I 'm sure that 's going to need some sort of intervention .
18 I mean , my sister 's school they have right from the start and er they do n't I do n't think you get a wide enough circle of friends really .
19 it 's no good saying to someone come on you should know this if they do n't it does n't help does it .
20 Well they do n't it do n't sound the same does it ?
21 Well if it they have n't it does n't matter I 'll I 'll just stand it on table .
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