Example sentences of "they [vb base] a [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's interesting because I was in Nottingham a few weeks ago and actually on Nottingham market they sell a lot of goat meat
2 They hide a number of stone leprechauns on the mountain , ’ she continued , ‘ and a reward is paid for those found .
3 Maybe they lose a sense of balance . ’
4 Perhaps they risk less in terms of a damaged reproductive potential if they lose a challenge for possession , and hence persist more in harassment ?
5 ‘ Its what they call a ‘ wood rabbit ’ ; they eat a lot of wood , hence the sawdust' .
6 the South of France they said in the paper they eat a lot of butter or cook a lot
7 Conventional wisdom supports the use of drills , substitution tables , and other devices for pattern practice on the grounds that they make a knowledge of language forms habitual .
8 They make a contribution to employment by virtue of an increase in employment density or or not , depending on whether that increase actually takes place but they do not contribute to the I five provision by virtue of not being a change of use .
9 That 's the only reason that they can afford to do it , and they make a packet on top of it .
10 She 's old , they make a load of rubbish out of it
11 They run about so and they make a lot of noise , you know how children do , and I 'm afraid Jarvis will get tired of it .
12 Er so a lot of their power stations are actually built near borders for that reason , they 're , they , they , they , they make a lot of money by exporting nuclear electricity across the border to Germany , into Switzerland , to Belgium , to Holland and of course , through this , the these couple of cables under the channel , to Britain .
13 On entering the thymus , they undergo a programme of proliferation , T-cell receptor ( TCR ) gene rearrangement , differentiation and repertoire selection .
14 Cos they grow a lot of veg in there !
15 Her pre-emptive and impressive words to a senior politician were ‘ The people of Hampstead do n't want an actress , they want a member of parliament . ’
16 It is not the citizens charter that the consumers of this country want ; they want a Ministry of Food and Farming which the incoming Labour Government will introduce .
17 Erm and er what I would like to see , and I 've long wanted to see this coming out of the church , is a rite of passage that I with integrity can offer to any parents who come to me with a , a , a lovely little baby in their arms saying to me parish minister can you give us something that would satisfy us , and they 're not saying it like this , but they want a rite of passage .
18 probation officer with the state in Texas and they decide they want a trial at monitoring and they ask if I would be interested and so we begin the programme , the first in-house operative programme in Texas , and we set up our programme from scratch and started just kind of working on trial and error trying to make the thing worked .
19 They want a spread of expenditure for the contract works So what we agreed with them is that we will forthwith start sending them client reports and I 've asked them if they will report back to us whether the client reports are in the form they want them .
20 They do not regard it as offensive to say they want a quality of life more than they want challenge and promotion . ’
21 If Edgar speaks the last words , they appear a sort of reproof to Albany while Edgar assumes authority over the hopes of the future .
22 For the Roman period , they provide a wealth of information about the names of festivals and magistracies , as well as the names of the people who held them .
23 They provide a way for Topic Criteria and more general processes to be assessed in context .
24 The dictionaries and reference works devoted to surnames are useful to the local historian in that they provide a framework of knowledge on which more specific researches may be built .
25 They provide a diversity of colour and shape not encountered in any other group of coldwater fish .
26 Between them they provide a mix of outreach and on-site services around the clock .
27 Patio containers and hanging baskets will particularly benefit from a high potash liquid or foliar feed this month , which will ensure they provide a continuity of flower until the onset of autumn frosts .
28 ( 5 ) They provide a basis for discussion and elucidation at meetings so that they appear less like lectures to convey information and more like collaborative discussion .
29 However , they provide a basis for research , because they are ‘ not directly accessible to measurement ’ but their ‘ postulated components can be easily assessed if not immediately quantified ’ .
30 They provide a picture of construction , production and wholesale areas as major growth areas on an ‘ all Wales ’ basis , but the pattern of growth was found to vary markedly at a county level .
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