Example sentences of "they [adv] [vb base] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In any event , they only relate to non-renewal of the contract when it runs out .
2 In any event , they only relate to non-renewal of the contract when it runs out .
3 this , this , they only start from sort of like , there 's the house , and it goes half way up the garden , so I want fifty up at one side , and put fifty to go up other side , I want fifty to go across the garden , and they 're gon na go across the garden and cut the garden in half
4 They just like to sort of I do n't know why but they just seem to sort of
5 They just like to sort of I do n't know why but they just seem to sort of
6 This they generously explain by reference to limited research which focused on unique historical periods , was limited to middle class life , and was directed at individual experiences .
7 There is a distinguished series of subscription concerts from autumn to the succeeding summer ( they still talk with pride of the day in 1934 when Richard Strauss came to conduct his Don Quixote and Alpine Symphony ) but there are also free symphony concerts most weeks in the year , very popular particularly with Winterthur 's younger generation .
8 The myths which describe encounters with superhuman beings of all kinds never describe the various harmful ones as shy or fearful , whereas they always do with respect to the helpful .
9 And if they ever ask for help against their employers , their chances of getting it are usually ( despite Grunwick , see later in this chapter ) known to be small .
10 And one thing that that will generate when you have er erm er I do n't think we 've got any husband and wives but I think we 've got one or two partner and friend or partner er relationships they usually get in competition with each other .
11 There are , of course , instances in other areas of the law where such opinion is ignored , and where one searches in vain for a reasoned articulation of justification based on sound policy , but they usually serve as food for the argument that in so doing the law becomes an ass .
12 In gold shops they also burn off mercury on a huge scale .
13 They also argue in favour of it on grounds of continuity s so the two arguments here are one , democracy and one continuity .
14 It may be conceded that these cases do not put the point beyond argument , although they clearly point towards non-liability in the assignee .
15 The mode of formation of melanins is uncertain ( Lerner and Fitzpatrick , 1950 ) but they probably arise through polymerization of indole compounds which are derived initially from the amino-acid tyrosine by ring-closure and oxidation under the influence of the enzyme tyrosinase .
16 But if workers regard the social security benefits that they now receive as part of their total wage package , and this is fully taken into account in their labour supply decision , then the supply curve will shift back to S1 ; wages and employment returning to their original level .
17 Having survived the spate of hostile bids from rivals and raiders , they now feel under attack from a different direction .
18 This is the sort of thing they really go to town on : an armed man , probably wounded , probably hiding out nearby .
19 Oh yes , boy , they really dine on off-spin over here . ’
20 they simply go on file for horror films —
21 But these Acts do not proscribe activities , they simply provide for investigation in appropriate cases .
22 If they respectfully withdraw from involvement in village affairs they find themselves branded as ‘ stand-offish ’ or ‘ jumped-up ’ ; if they participate fully in the life of the village they are accused of ‘ taking over ’ and of telling the local inhabitants how to run their own community .
23 Whether one believes that ideas of morality determine the content of criminal law or that they instead serve as justification for the state or a social class to exert economic and political control , the relationship between law and morals is important .
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