Example sentences of "they [vb past] down [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On every side of them , as they rode down the winding valley of the Suir from Clonmel to Carrick , stretched great rolling hills , rising to the distant mountains — Slievenaman to the north , Comeragh to the south .
2 They wandered down a small incline where they stopped on a bridge and stared down into the browny green water .
3 They wandered down the cobbled streets to the Riviera , across the Villa Comunale and then over Via Caracciolo to the balustrade that separated them from the boulders that sat on the edge of the sea .
4 When Terry went upstairs to change , Ellie went with her , and when they came down a short while later , when Terry and Declan were ready to leave , Ellie was right there beside them .
5 But Robbie Supple had been keeping his powder dry on Very Very Ordinary and there was nothing in the least ‘ ordinary ’ about the long , relentless charge with which they mowed down the leading pair between the last two fences .
6 Despite their pitifully limited numbers they threw down an inspiring challenge to the might of the autocratic regime .
7 Flanked by the two men , they walked down a wide marble staircase , and out into the brilliant sunshine .
8 He continued to talk thus now , as they walked down the grand vista , away from the formal gardens and into the woodland rides , where classical figures loomed from the undergrowth and the serpentine rill wound away towards a distant temple .
9 They walked down the first flight of stairs in silence .
10 They returned down a different hole and soon found a dry , empty burrow , where they curled up together and slept in the warmth of their own tired bodies .
11 But Mr Riley argued that the parking on Hollyhurst Road was not a hazard to pedestrians who had to cross between parked cars instead they slowed down the speeding cars .
12 ‘ The biggest spanking you 've ever had , ’ she answered promptly , coming down to earth ; and they proceeded down a steep zigzag path to the shore .
13 John Dunford , Philip King and John Kennedy had had this idea to record me ‘ live ’ in a pub , so they brought down a mobile unit to Winkles Hotel in Kinvara , and we were all there for three or four days .
14 They sped down the warm evening pavement for about fifty yards and then pulled up as an elderly man , walking his dog , came out of a driveway in front of them .
15 They went down the dark tunnel .
16 The drive was tree-lined , so they went down the farther side , only visible now and then .
17 Lastly they went down the main staircase to the Director s office .
18 The commandos blew in its steel door , and , leaving Chamberlain , who could hardly help himself along , to guard it , they ran down the long stairway to the pumps 40 feet below .
19 I took it into to make it bigger , right , it was mum 's , so they said well we 've got to put valuation on it to send it away , so I said well I have n't got a clue , so they wrote down a thousand pound and I thought never in all this world .
20 Like a camera my restless mind followed the rabid mongrels of Puno as they roamed down the narrow streets , through the tight patchwork of market stalls , over the rubble-lined railway track , to fight at last over a pair of cow 's horns I had seen earlier topping a pile of refuse .
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