Example sentences of "they [vb past] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When they disappeared he turned his attention to a couple of girls who were laughing and giggling as they flung an orange frisbee at each other .
2 Central government was felt to be too remote from the people ; they lacked a sufficient sense of participation in its affairs and were beset by a sense of unresolved grievance .
3 First it was claimed that LEAs had inadequate information about curriculum provision in schools ; and , second , that they lacked a clear policy on the curriculum .
4 Another neglected master emerged on three LPs of Piano Sonatas by Harold Truscott , played , as in the Founds , by the indefatigable peter Jacobs ; they revealed a muscial thinker of a very high order who has been , and still is , cruelly ignored by the muscial establishment ( again , I understand that John Ogdon 's recording for Altarus of Truscott 's Tenth is due for release soon — and I would also make a plea for a re-issue of those other Sonatas on CD : they are contrapuntal masterpieces , sometimes witty , often beautiful , and they ought to be much more widely known ) .
5 My ancestors were wealthy and powerful ; they owned a vast amount of property and a fleet of merchant ships .
6 Life was faster , demands changed more quickly , and people were included because they met a particular need at a particular time .
7 There they met an equal number of members of the congregation , people like themselves , who would be invited to share their experiences .
8 Unless , of course , they met an incoming messenger on their way .
9 Last night the grieving couple were still baffled by the tragedy that struck down six-year-old Elizabeth a week after doctors said they expected a full recovery from a brain tumour .
10 The reaction of local farmers to this disruption of their normal farming activity was to wait the situation out , as they expected a high price for their lands .
11 Till they got a good piece through .
12 They got a brilliant reception from the Leeds fans at the end .
13 They got a new engine in the mill er the start of the war I think .
14 However they got a free kick from one of their lot diving when noone was anywhere near , and Leeds were still beginning to take position when Newell I think takes the kick and Shearer picks it up and scores .
15 I reckon they got a one-single deal on Epic .
16 Now they were provided with a meal for which the police , at that time paid sixpence , and for the sixpence for breakfast they got a thick round of bread , margarine , a piece of cheese and a mug of tea .
17 An old stockman who lived nearby had a gold-pan and a sluice-box — not to mention a very dubious prospector 's map , with ‘ reef gold ’ marked in the most enticing , most improbable places , and they got a bad case of gold fever .
18 See most people had good intentions , whenever they got a whole lot of stuff from the Cooperative , they would say I 'll lay so much by every week and I 'll have it at the end of the quarter .
19 They got an extra lot of teasing countryside management in conservation and this is why the countryside 's three most active guardians , the association , the and the Council 's protection of rural England are all strongly against breaking up of the forestry commission and selling off this land .
20 And they got an old curtain at the back door and then that 's all you sort of go through across the corner of the kitchen and he was making a bouquet of flowers and er he was setting them all out like and then when he bought it into me it was all set out in a big thing of cellophane and it 'd got two gold strips like
21 They threaded a wide path round them .
22 Though they admitted a whole series of assaults over the previous three years , they disputed their frequency , he said in his closing speech .
23 They devised a simple solution to this problem : the slave trade .
24 As I was an officer , they devised a special treat for me : they raped my wife and my ten-year-old daughter in front of me , three of them to each , sticking their penises into each of the gateways .
25 In that , they became a valuable ally of the BEA , enjoying in return an increasing influence over the latter on matters where presentational concessions could smooth the industry 's political path .
26 Although trenches had been constructed on a limited scale in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–5 , they became a significant factor in warfare only in World War I. By the end of 1914 , the conflict had developed into what amounted to a siege and both Allied and German soldiers dug trenches to protect themselves from enemy small-arms and machine-gun fire .
27 It is interesting that they became an integral part of the SAS , wore British uniform and insignia , yet tended to remain a separate squadron — mainly because of the language problem .
28 They became an essential part of the practices of the Israelite tribes who penetrated to the northern parts of Canaan and integrated with local people .
29 Rose tried to throw her off and for a moment they became an indistinguishable tangle of clawing arms and jerking feet .
30 The following month they made a similar objection to the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers beating the retreat in Shipquay Street .
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