Example sentences of "they [vb past] [to-vb] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Though they went down 2-6 , 2-6 , 6-7 to the experienced Australians , they deserved to qualify for the Masters when Ken Flach and Robert Seguso were forced to withdraw .
2 Before the case came to a hearing Parliament sought to improve the revenue 's position by enacting with retrospective effect section 47(1) of the Finance Act 1986 , but this proved ineffective for the purpose and on 31 July 1987 Nolan J. [ 1987 ] S.T.C. 654 decided that the regulations complained of were ultra vires and void in so far as they purported to provide for the imposition of tax on interests and dividends paid by building societies prior to 6 April 1986 , and made an order accordingly .
3 She taught both Mr and Mrs Reynolds the skills they needed to care for the stoma :
4 I mean , I remember mother saying that , you see mother had never seen the sea till she joined the Guild and they decided to save for an outing , and then the next thing I can remember was that we used to have these stamps every week and I think it come to two and ninepence erm and for that we went to Rhyl .
5 Realizing that there was little chance of getting into such a defended area undetected , they decided to make for the rendezvous , contenting themselves with placing their bombs on vehicles parked for the night alongside the road .
6 Gloria tied on her red headscarf , Dot buttoned up her pink cardigan and they went to wait for the bus to take them down to the hospital to see how Baby was doing .
7 On the one hand some teachers saw the process as a hindrance — as something they had to do for the LEA and which would have little consequence for themselves .
8 With all the technological genius that can be raised in the USA to produce a B-1 supersonic bomber , they had to settle for a cruising speed of 1.25 times the speed of sound while the routine Concorde bus service across the Atlantic ticks over steadily at fully twice the speed of sound — and anyone who can afford to buy a ticket can experience it .
9 Once in , they had to dive for a golf ball , put it in a bucket and return to the trapeze to do it all again — fun eh !
10 There had been no retaliation by the MacIans , but they all knew they were ready for it if any had come , and who to thank for the readiness ; and no-one mentioned who they had to thank for the threat .
11 Then they had to stop for a rest because they were so tired .
12 But they had to wait for a host of their rivals to commit pop suicide before they could begin the job of moulding this new discovery .
13 Turning to those who were referred by the GP to another agency , a major problem experienced by this group was the length of time they had to wait for an appointment ( see also Watson 1985 ) .
14 But first they had to look for a camp site so Mr was the chief engineer I was employed by him , to have a look round and we discovered Lyness farm to be a suitable place .
15 The framers of the American Constitution also had these objects in mind , but on top of that they had to provide for the desire of the thirteen colonies to be united for some purposes only and to remain independent for others .
16 The others took it up , humming or singing , and walked in time to it until old Donald got breathless and they had to saunter for a while .
17 The sums which people paid Maples for furniture were very small compared with what they had to pay for a house to put it in .
18 The paper went on the say that such a move would at least give the people who came into the city centre greater reassurance , even if they had to pay for the privilege .
19 The business sector was disappointed that the cut in interest rates was not larger , however , and they continued to press for a devaluation .
20 After an hour or so of drinking , these two gentlemen decided they wished to go for an afternoon drive around the local villages — a motor car around this time still being something of a novelty .
21 No further appeal was possible under Austrian law , but defence lawyers said that they wanted to apply for a retrial because of new expert evidence which cast doubt on their client 's conviction .
22 We wanted to see if these players would fit into the side and if they wanted to play for the side .
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