Example sentences of "they [vb past] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the heads of government of the five ASEAN countries held their first meeting for eight years in February 1976 in Indo-China they failed to agree on regional security and the communiqué of the meeting did not mention neutralisation .
2 In the thirteenth century they got rid of old restrictions which fettered the freedom of alienation in the interest of lords or heirs .
3 They got rid of electronic monitoring equipment , including TV cameras and recorders , by complaining that these interfered with their powers and caused headaches .
4 I can recall a class of ten-year-olds designing their own Norman village for several drama sessions before they became engaged in non-projected drama activity ( personal play , as Peter Slade calls it ) , i.e. before they started interacting with each other as villagers instead of through their designs .
5 The more media permeated life from 1945 to 1990 , and the more they became concentrated in international conglomerates , the more important the accountability of media themselves became .
6 In April 1990 , as the downturn deepened , they sold LET to Swedish life insurance giant SSP for £550 million , pocketing £40 million each and staying on to run the company .
7 They tried to talk of other things than murder and violence but there were too many reminders .
8 They trained to land in various numbers , although in later years some nine men made up the team in a powered dory .
9 Neighbours formed queues on occasions as they came to complain of mindless acts of vandalism .
10 Dozens of times they 'd gone in single file when they came to the narrow place , made narrow by a growth of gorse .
11 Some of his male colleagues boasted about how they 'd felt with various women , raising an arm to show what they 'd been like .
12 They 'd seemed on close terms since the night he overheard them quarrelling .
13 They claimed to speak for traditional family values and found support from various fundamentalists — Orthodox Jewish , Roman Catholic , Baptist — in an attempt both to broaden their appeal among Haringey 's multiracial population and to strengthen their message that homosexuality was ‘ unnatural ’ in all cultures .
14 During the mid 1890s , however , they began to turn to mass agitation at factory level and found the workers highly responsive .
15 During the mid nineties , however , they began to turn to mass agitation at factory level .
16 You have to remember that Americans only found this endemic American music in the '60s when they began listening to English groups , who were doing something really important , which was taking black music and making it louder .
17 As soon as they were taken from shelter , they began to slide on locked wheels over the yard , and then to tilt .
18 They began to drift into amiable silence when they had asked each other questions about their children and the schools , and the plans they had for their holiday in Ireland .
19 They began to meet in private houses where they read sermons and prayed together .
20 Brusilov 's attack broke through his enemy 's line on a front of nearly 320km/ 200mls , throwing the Austro-Hungarian Army into bewildered retreat , and they began to surrender in large numbers .
21 They began to journey towards similar conclusions — despite a number of false starts along the way .
22 Bannen leaned attentively towards the Doctor and they began to speak in low voices .
23 They returned to live in rented accommodation , without support from the husband , and lived in straitened circumstances , relying on welfare payments and charitable support .
24 They hung drying on short loops of black thread suspended from lengths of string stretched across the walls from corner to corner , and dim shadows turned slowly on the walls behind them .
25 He then paid tribute to the Alresford Society , pointing out that when they started pushing for environmental improvements in the 1970s , it was before conservation had come into fashion .
26 Hubel and his colleagues had studied the visual cortex of the rhesus monkey for many years without observing these cells and it was only when the cytochrome oxidase blobs had been demonstrated consistently and they started to look for receptive-field properties within them that they obtained these surprising results .
27 If they started pinching from old people and things like that
28 We 're having good fun , they kept going with big spaces and could n't get them up .
29 A number of organisations to which we spoke provided ( paid ) training for people filling such positions , despite the fact that they would only be working for them on a casual basis and might even use the skills they acquired working for other organisations .
30 It is very characteristic of the Romans that they chose to display in public parades those objects considered particularly suited to the context in which they were won — gods and heroes were explicitly linked to the glory of battle .
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