Example sentences of "they [be] [adv] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Their quality seems to be exhausted by the ‘ conditions of their production ’ , which suggests they are simply impressions of heat , etc .
2 They are mostly Ryes from Moor .
3 They are just suggestions for day and half-day excursions to take in the best of the scenery , rather than the villages the tours pass through .
4 ‘ Exactly , and remember , art and sport have this in common , they are both means of self-expression .
5 Structures of social relationship are not only structures of indebtedness , they are also structures of power .
6 Despite John Ruskin 's strictures ( ‘ Such works as … the iron roofs and pillars of our railway stations … are not architecture at all ’ ) , it is now generally admitted that not only are they architecture but they are also works of art .
7 Women — like children — tend to be called by their first names where men would not be ; and they are also recipients of endearment terms like love , dear , honey , pet , hen and so on .
8 We also use those homes as centres for day care , and the financial effects of that are estimated and taken out of these calculations , but I think it 's important for members to remember that your residential homes are n't purely and simply providing only residential care , they are also centres for day care in that particular area .
9 By now they are probably nerves of iron because , you know , you have to co-exist with an army like that he has to really take it fairly easy because they can be quite rude and , you know , shove you around get whatever they want and very harmful methods .
10 They are now items of fashion or something to collect .
11 They do not represent additional demand for resources , they are merely transfers of purchasing power from the taxpayer to other sectors of the community .
12 They 're just guns for hire : tough guys sent on a job .
13 The experiments are not particularly relevant to anything , they 're just experiments for experiment 's sake , one experiment illustrating a particular bit of theory ; it does n't do anything particularly useful , you just look at an oscilloscope and take some readings and hence you can demonstrate this bit of theory .
14 They 're just bits of flesh , gee whiz
15 So they 're just examples of attitude gents , which And it 's attitude which causes the problems .
16 They 're mostly compositions for guitar , tape and live electronics ; the album is released on Justin Time Records .
17 and he 's having a punch up with his brother and he keeps letting his brother hit him he 's got this holographic image he , who accompanies him with this fucking computer , and working out what 's going on why they 're there sort of thing cos he goes back in into to different times to help these people out
18 I mean they 're very sort of vandal easy or whatever .
19 ‘ Perhaps they 're only people on holiday . ’
20 Although modern dictionary meanings suggest that both these words are almost synonymous with ‘ gently ’ 'lightly , ‘ softly , even ‘ carefully ’ , to a French Baroque musician , while evocative of style , they were principally indications of tempo at opposite ends of the time scale : doucement for a slow tempo corresponding to gravement or lentement , and légèrement for a swift , nimble tempo , only one stage below that of vivement or vite .
21 For the law applied to smugglers , and they were rarely men of property .
22 They were however years of pleasure compared with the five which were to follow , when , with his successor Neville Chamberlain first out of 10 , Downing Street and then dead in six months , Baldwin became a target of resentment for the perils to which the nation found itself exposed .
23 The scale of the work varied but they were generally scenes from nature , the type of thing popularly believed to be the easiest to sell but not necessarily the easiest to paint .
24 They were just blobs of ink — but we made them think
25 Now obviously the you could see the cars in that fast lane there , they were just nose to tail , nose to tail .
26 They were also places of hope , faith , and inextinguishable humanity , embodiments of that spirit that Charles MacKay captured so well in his poem ‘ Railways 1846 ’ :
27 They were indeed works of art , great mop-headed beauties made from finely-cut wood shavings which curled into unbelievable shapes .
28 Important though these duties were , they were fairly routine in character ; they did not bring Clanvow to the notice of a wider public .
29 They were often men of learning , like Sir Laurens Van der Post or the historian Sir Harold Acton .
30 They were merely bits of paper .
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