Example sentences of "they [modal v] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As these fish are mostly open spawners , it is pointless supplying numerous caves made of rockpiles as they may be moved during the fish 's excavations .
2 They may be hampered in the efficient winding up of your affairs by the limited powers Parliament gives to the next of kin in these circumstances .
3 Therefore , in any year , they may be expensed ( when they have generated revenues ) or they may be stored in the balance sheet ( for example , as closing stock , when they have yet to generate revenues ) .
4 Under RSC Ord 3 , r3 they may be served during the Long Vacation including the month of August .
5 Most proceedings may be commenced in either court , though they may be transferred to the other court in due course ; of the rest , there are some which should always be commenced in the county court and others which should always be commenced in the High Court ( notwithstanding that the county court has jurisdiction to hear the case ) .
6 They may be recognised by the courts as part of the constitutional background against which a particular decision is taken ( Carltona v. Commissioner of Works ( C.A. , 1943 ) ) , but will not be enforced directly .
7 Where the cliffs are high they may be undercut by the sea with the result that most of the material may be removed by the subsequent collapse of the upper undermined section .
8 They adamantly believed that ‘ at that time it was not done to ‘ ’ poach' ’ settled executives in any direct or overt way' ; but they may be seen as the precursors of headhunting in Britain , in so far as they acted as consultants in executive selection and advertising , within a general management consultancy practice .
9 Where the terms are applied to a large scale transaction , or at the commencement of a trading relationship , they may be scrutinised by the business 's trading partner , and there may even be some degree of negotiation .
10 In one sense they may be regarded as the successors to , sometimes the heirs of , the small- nationality movements directed against the Habsburg , Tsarist and Ottoman empires , that is to say against what were considered historically obsolete modes of political organisation , in the name of a model of political modernity , the nation-state .
11 No other warranties or conditions to such effect may be implied except insofar as they may be annexed to the contract by custom or trade usage ( s14(4) of SGA 1979 , ss4(7) , 9(7) of SGSA 1982 ) .
12 Often the distinction between the two will be blurred , but they may be tested by the following criteria : Do not assume , however , that all judgements are automatically good and opinions bad .
13 They may be joined by the gorgeous lime-green flowers of Smyrnium perfoliatum , a plant which is either a satisfactory spreader or an invasive pest , depending on your point of view .
14 ( No names are mentioned , but they may be gathered from the black spots on the map . )
15 Alternatively they may be subsumed within the department and treated as a poor relation .
16 If they do not fully understand them , they may be destroyed by the voices of the old unreconstructed socialist Left who will briefly find their voice again .
17 The second interpretation can be arrived at by reading the provision in two parts : ( 1 ) judges ' commissions are to be made for as long as they behave themselves , implying that if they misbehave they may be dismissed by the Crown ; ( 2 ) they may be removed by the Crown on an Address of both Houses , even though they have not misbehaved themselves .
18 Or they may be thinking about the unthinkable : independence for their tiny — but vastly more successful — China .
19 Following the usual convention they may be named after the thrust forming their leading ( northerly ) edges .
20 Russian Turkomans are normally marketed as either Bokharas or Beshirs , depending on their design , and those made in Afghanistan are generally referred to as Afghans or Bokharas , although they may be named after the specific weaving village or tribe ( Kundous , Beshir , etc ) .
21 They may be imposed in the form of obligations of strict liability to which defences are extremely limited or in more general and voluntary concepts of negligent omissions and commissions .
22 They may be illustrated by the surge of 1 February 1953 that caused such serious damage round the coasts of the North Sea .
23 At present they are manufactured for Canon under licence by Sussex-based Audio Electronics , but eventually they may be made in the UK by Canon itself .
24 Planners will need to investigate and attempt to quantify the numbers of dementia sufferers they may be considering within the planning period .
25 The nutrients may be added to the system through spray nozzles , as shown in Fig. 1 , or they may be ploughed into the solid phase by using rotating discs .
26 However , where the amount to which the shareholders will be entitled is small , they may be sold for the benefit of the company or , if no premium exists , allotted to the underwriters .
27 In all probability pupils will miss the point of the otherwise excellent work they may be doing on the phenomema of religion , its rites , customs , beliefs and moral values and so forth .
28 They may be set in the everyday life of 2000 years ago and , therefore , seem somewhat remote from modern times but the meaning of them is still true .
29 They may be identified by the nature of the relationship that they involve and be termed ‘ gift ’ , ‘ exchange ’ , and ‘ synergistic ’ .
30 They may be intimidated by the president 's apparent command over public opinion — a position he may seek to reinforce by using television , radio and public speaking in general .
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