Example sentences of "they [modal v] [verb] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 Those who think that they may wish to practise in the North may avail themselves of advice kindly offered by Mr J.M. Shorrock , Hon.
2 The tour is designed to give pupils an opportunity to experience a variety of activities , some of which they may wish to develop in the future .
3 Examples of this may be : the agoraphobic person who never goes out because they believe they will collapse and die of a heart attack ; the lift phobic who believes they may become trapped in the lift and suffocate to death ; a person who avoids meeting others because , if a disagreement starts , they believe they will lose their temper and hit people ; and last , a person may obsessively check the locks on doors and windows , believing that somebody is bound to break into the house if they fail to make these checks .
4 Further analysis of their data and of additional data for the period from 1970 to 1975 showed that , though the vote for the two main parties had declined in the 1960s , major party identification had not : in other words , electors — whatever they may have done in the polling booths — continued to express a sense of affiliation with one of the two main parties .
5 It would seem that , despite the costs involved , they should consider investing in the very detailed digital data ( Pinpoint Address Code ( PAC ) ) provided by Pinpoint Analysis Ltd .
6 Erm yeah I suppose we can do , they 'll have to stay in the outhouse though I do n't know .
7 Trainee consultants need to appreciate that the procedure of informing an interested school of the different structures that have been found to work well in different settings , and of inviting the school to decide which they might wish to develop in the first instance , is in itself an important part of preparing a supportive climate .
8 Certainly some of the productions that we are responsible for , as I have said , are controversial , and some of the public might not really want them and might dispute their validity , but I think what it is an indication of is the fact that people are short of money and have to make quite sure that they are getting the best value for what they are paying for and they ca n't afford to go to the theatre as regularly as they might have done in the past .
9 They might have sat in the same prison cell as he was sitting in now .
10 If there had only been some way they could have gone in the doors of University College together and come home on the bus each night , or better still got a flat together , life would have been perfect .
11 The first and last of these were both Welsh , ( 112 , pp.151 , 161–3 ) and it is likely that the element of tribal loyalty was one factor which they could employ to help in the exercise of their authority .
12 Bradshaw and Millar found that about two-thirds ( 62 per cent ) of lone mothers on income support said that they did not want to work immediately although they would want to work in the future .
13 Through the magazine and training packs that each subscriber receives , they will be asked their opinions on programme content , their likes , dislikes , and what they would like to see in the future .
14 The second is that it does not adequately take account of the sad fact of life that health authorities may on occasion find that they have too few resources , either human or material or both , to treat all the patients whom they would like to treat in the way in which they would like to treat them .
15 ‘ To catch it they would need to go in the opposite direction first to Thornaby station , where parking is limited .
16 It was a problem they would need to address in the coming days .
17 He was a good PTI , he made PT fun and did n't just stick to PT and running — but there was no messing about either and he doubled them across the barracks to the football pitch , Where in the next half hour they worked as hard playing football as they would have done in the gymnasium .
18 Now as to what type of person came into this field and from where I can only guess , but I believe it was not people from the very close area although they would have lived in the vicinity .
19 They would have gone in the bin until Tancy Evans emerged the other day to say that she was the living proof that the RD draw had winners .
20 They would have starved in the Mîdi . ’
21 For example , someone who has just completed a questionnaire ( at T 1 ) on nutrition may have a response to a film on food additives different from that which they would have had in the absence of the questionnaire .
22 Now , though , having to live again in a world where ideals were something to be discussed by intellectuals and certain priests , but never applied , as they would have got in the way of Horemheb 's programme of reform , Huy found his feelings dulled .
23 She still liked to type , so they would have got in the way of that , anyhow .
24 She must have disturbed them , Jehan thought , or they would have lain in the bushes until we passed .
25 If elected , the three dissidents say they will continue to sit in the opposition as independents .
26 Behind private placements lies a simple premise : the fussier investors and issuers become about the design of their securities , the less they will want to deal in the standardised paper available on the public markets .
27 Gaze at the black bar between the left-hand pair of slanting gratings for about thirty seconds , then transfer your gaze to the dot between the central pair of gratings ; they will appear to slant in the opposite directions .
28 They will include climbing in the traditional foreign flesh pots and a new policy covering expeditions locations not included under the old general policy .
29 By the time the Unimix — a high protein gruel — is dished out of the cooking drums , they will have waited in the stagnant , heavy heat most of the day .
30 However , there is a danger for shareholders that they will become trapped in the power play between the two US giants .
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