Example sentences of "they [modal v] [verb] [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For their own safety they should stand back to back so that they have a completely free field of fire over 180 degrees each .
2 On the other hand he referred to the claim of the appellants that the volume of documentation was very large and that if in all such cases a similar order was made there would be ‘ intolerable disruption ’ to an auditors ' business , the risk to the appellants that in producing the documents they might provide material to ground claims against themselves , and the suggestion that the order was not sufficiently specific in that it did not indicate to the appellants the areas in which the respondents considered that the appellants or others might be liable .
3 They would transform madness to lunacy and cure it with the three Ms : method , meat and morality .
4 ‘ A local housing authority may perform any duty under section 65 or 68 ( duties to persons found to be homeless ) to secure that accommodation becomes available for the occupation of a person — ( a ) by making available suitable accommodation held by them under Part II ( provision of housing ) or any enactment , or ( b ) by securing that he obtains suitable accommodation from some other person , or ( c ) by giving him such advice and assistance as will secure that he obtains suitable accommodation from some other person , and in determining whether accommodation is suitable they shall have regard to Part IX ( slum clearance ) , X ( overcrowding ) and XI ( houses in multiple occupation ) of this Act .
5 The closing words of the subsection as it now stands , providing that ‘ in determining whether accommodation is suitable they shall have regard to Part IX ( slum clearance ) , X ( overcrowding ) and XI ( houses in multiple occupation ) of this Act ’ seem to me to call unmistakably for the exercise by the local authority of a subjective judgment as to what constitutes suitable accommodation .
6 Many students do not realise that they can negotiate alterations to assignment deadlines if they run into difficulties .
7 Word is coming in that rival hamlets are already filling in the forms as fast as they can put pen to paper .
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