Example sentences of "they [verb] been [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't they 've been doing anything to me yet okay .
2 They were soon strolling with me round the house as if they 'd been expecting me for weeks .
3 Well in that case and they 'd been stopping them for us you see and er excuse me stopping them for us and whoever decided to speak to them has had his few words and that 's it carry on .
4 ‘ In a fairy story one of them would ride up to the avenue here on a white horse and say they 'd been wanting you as part of their lives for years , ’ Benny said .
5 They 'd been keeping it under lights , and it seemed to be growing quite happily with one end in a pot of special plant water .
6 around or over the world in 30 days of driving … that 's the dream of two local motoring enthusiasts who are taking their old morgan car on the longest … the toughest rally of them all … they 've been getting themselves into gear in the Malverns and we 're off there to join them for our Friday feature
7 They 've been building it for God knows how long , cancelling trains , people ca n't get on or off the platforms .
8 Well kids stay all the time but they 've been using it as a doss house , you know ,
9 They 've been hiring us for ten years but we , we ai n't gon na hire no more if they 're changing the bloody engines .
10 Unfortunately , the people who make the system decided to redesign the bit that connects the two computers — they 've been redesigning it for months .
11 And then one day , they 've been telling you for years , You ca n't do that .
12 They 've been making them for 30 years .
13 And they 've been making it for right on four years now , backed by the colourful and wily One Little Indian label , earning themselves Single Of The Week round here pretty much every time they put one out , and doing quite nicely in end-of-year writers ' charts too .
14 A good A&R Manager can earn sixty or seventy grand , whilst successful A&R Directors can earn upwards of a hundred grand and considerably more if they 've been doing it for a while . ’
15 They 've been doing it for some time at the Biro , Perth is
16 They 've been doing it to Albanians at .
17 I 'm actually , I am actually , I 've been party , they 've been circulating me with the correspondence of the residents ' association and I am very worried about this but do n't feel , until invited by the residents ' association , that we should do any more .
18 I 'm getting paranoid about that , determined not to sign anything , worried that maybe I already have when they first brought me here and said it was just a receipt for personal effects or a legal-aid application or whatever , and I worry about them getting me to sign something when I 'm tired and they 've been interviewing me in shifts and all I want to do is go to bed and sleep and they say oh do us all a favour and sign this and you can sleep , come on now ; it 's just a formality you can always deny it later , change your mind , but you ca n't you ca n't of course , they 're lying and you ca n't ; I even worry about signing something in my sleep , or them hypnotising me and getting me to do it that way ; hell , I do n't know what they get up to .
19 The stuff they 've been giving me in the ward was like a milk soup .
20 After the infamous Mike Gatting-Shakoor Rana row in 1987 , Graveney , 65 , said of Pakistan : ‘ They 've been cheating us for 37 years and it is just getting worse and worse . ’
21 Latterly they had been feeding him by dropping his fodder from a loft above the stall , and lowering down pails of water on a string .
22 ‘ Ever since the elections they have been revealing themselves as the neo-Nazis that they really are , ’ he said .
23 The latest flare-up between the two countries — following last summer 's ball-tampering claims and counter-claims — is a direct result of Graveney 's remarks following the infamous Mike Gatting-Shakoor Rana row in 1987 , when he said : ‘ They have been cheating us for 37 years and it is just getting worse and worse . ’
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