Example sentences of "they [verb] go [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 They want to go up to the aviary but I I ca n't get I ca n't get this buggy up there up that hill .
2 When the answer was a resounding ‘ Non ’ they decided to go back to the classroom .
3 The Australian Aborigines make a clear distinction between the works of art they consider their own and those they claim go back to the time of their creation , popularly referred to as the Dreamtime in all literature about Aborigines .
4 They must have each eaten about a pound of strawberries , for they kept going back to the fruit cage for more .
5 And the explanations they offer go back to the social wholes which form and constrain individual people .
6 The stockings they knitted went on to the feet of the British Army , and so great was the demand and so determinedly was it met that the Romantic writer Southey called them the " Terrible Knitters of Dent " , terrible meaning not bad but fierce , terribly good .
7 Last year of course they did superbly , they beat Southend who were then in the fourth division , and look what 's happened to them , they 've gone up to the third division .
8 It is er as I see it they 've gone back to the drawing board with where the bands are actually how it 's banded .
9 After they had deposited their bags at the hotel , itself ramshackle and run-down , they had gone on to the hospital .
10 Galerie de la Scala fared so well with a mixture of French , North European and Italian drawings , priced at FFr 20,000–350,000 , not always by famous names but always in exquisite taste , that they had to go back to the gallery for more .
11 ‘ The Welsh name for the bridge over there , ’ said Beuno , gesturing , ‘ means ‘ the place where the milk was spilt ’ because one year the nuns ' cow went dry and they had to go down to the village to beg for some , and they got this far and then one of them dropped it . ’
12 When they reach an obstacle , such as the sharks , they have to go back to the previous question .
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