Example sentences of "they [verb] be [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 And the adaptations they make are made on several different levels erm they might become more alike in their language , in their pronunciation , their rate of speech , their pause or utterance length and their vocal intensities . ?
2 Well you see they 've been brainwashed to that sort of music so they 're bound to , bound to like it .
3 The organisers hope their movement , which they say is supported by many Muslim organisations , will persuade the Government to order an inquiry into the Rushdie affair .
4 As reported , the authors found ‘ disturbing ’ the fact that half of the sample CID investigations they examined were lacking in some details or were actually unsatisfactory ’ .
5 The numbers of consultations , home visits and night calls reported for those in such homes for a year or more before they died are compared with those for others under the care of a general practitioner in Table 4 .
6 Because they are designed to justify certain propositions , the questions they ask are formulated in such a way as to prompt the desired answers .
7 Teachers with interests in , and commitments to , humanities , English and creative and expressive arts felt ill-at-ease with teaching science and mathematics , not just because of their lack of confidence with the subject ( though this was important ) , but also because of their discomfort with the very different pedagogies , very different ways of relating to children they felt were associated with those other subjects .
8 He , too , married a girl of his own milieu ; they 've been separated for many years .
9 they 've been done for many years
10 Register Office , handful of guests , parents optional , drink-up at couple 's house ( in which they 've been living for several years already ) .
11 Well , we 'd like to think that er people , once they 've been introduced to these different sorts of drinks , and become a bit more aware about different sensible levels , would actually be interested in buying them in the future and trying them out themselves .
12 Most shops are prepared for your to do this with expensive boots , but do n't expect them to be exchanged if they 've been marked in any way or worn outside !
13 All except , I can see , you know when they 've been asking for this money ?
14 They 've been going through all the lorries that 've come into Dover today with some sort of connection with the Balkans .
15 They 've been sitting during this meditation on her short useless history as a Socialist , they 've been sitting in the dark and now the moon rises , full and amber against a bar of cloud and Harriet 's face is bowed ; a drink at one hand ; and a cigarette droops glowing from the other .
16 They 've been described by some as the ugliest dogs in the world .
17 They posed for photographers at the star-studded show , giving the lie to rumours they had been separated for several weeks .
18 Bernard and Laura escaped on to their sailing boat for much of the summer , a yacht they had been enjoying for some years now , and they pottered around Mykonos in Greece .
19 When they had been seated for some time Titch said : ‘ I suppose you 've heard the news ? ’
20 He went from house to house dragging two metal ingots and everybody was amazed to see pots , pans , tongs and braziers tumble down from their places and beams creak from the desperation of nails and screws trying to emerge , and even objects that had been lost for a long time appeared from where they had been searched for most and went dragging along in turbulent confusion behind Melquíades ' magical irons .
21 They looked as if they had been arranged by some cleaner who had been sent in to tidy up and who did not know that in this room Ernest Jarvis had hanged himself .
22 To judge by the clutter of bottles , glasses , and over-filled ashtrays , and the brooding , weary faces , they had been debating for many hours .
23 Could she come to terms with the knowledge that they had been conceived in that dreadful place ?
24 Tom 's quick testing of her tendon reflexes revealed their characteristic briskness , and both the medical professionals realised that the condition was progressing , when they had been hoping against all the evidence that it would not .
25 He realised they had been watching for some minutes before he noticed them .
26 There they brought the coracle ashore lightly , and drew in , with reluctance and the reverence of finality , what they had been hunting with such assiduity , and so persistently hoped they would not find .
27 I could not understand why they had been banished to this dusty attic .
28 It seemed incredible to Tug that only five minutes before he had been calling her Ma and they had been grinning at each other .
29 She had brought glasses and dishes from home , she said ; they had been boxed for many years too long .
30 Is there anything you can tell me about the two young women who died after they had been working in this house , Theresa Nolan and Diana Travers ? ’
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