Example sentences of "they [verb] she [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Listening to her talk about the make of corset she wore and the neckline shape that best suited her , speaking on these matters with the kind of solemnity they would only have brought to bear on the country 's economic situation or the future of the United Nations , they regarded her with the polite incomprehension with which they would have looked at a Martian .
2 they put her in a bloody trolley and oh course she said , this woman said erm
3 They filled her with a deep , purple-rich sadness that was almost like happiness .
4 The same social worker eventually , quite inappropriately , arranged Part 3 accommodation for Mrs X and they placed her in a residential old people 's home .
5 The words were tenderly spoken , yet they hit her like a tidal wave of icy-cold water , instantly extinguishing the flames of passion curling inside her , bringing her to horrified realisation of just what she was doing .
6 There was just enough time for Bobbie to make herself tidy before they called her into the front room .
7 Mm , Cathy knew what they called her in the initial stage
8 They took her to a small , perfect restaurant , where she had never been before , and fed her on soup and fish and meat and cheese , all of a quality and in quantities she had only dreamed of during the war .
9 They reminded her of the cardboard kaleidoscope she had as a child , packed with coloured fragments , which she looked into for hours , turning and watching , turning and watching .
10 She kept clear of everybody in the house in case they reminded her of the ill person her uncle had become .
11 Doreen Copas had to be reminded that she had been teaching Medau for all of 25 years by her Herts and Cambs colleagues and class members ; they presented her with a generous gift of garden tokens on the occasion of the Westhampstead Rally .
12 But they greeted her as an old friend .
13 ‘ I 've seen the looks people give Jenny when they see her for the first time , ’ says her mother , Helen .
14 TWO friends of Cadbury 's Flake model Rachel Brown last night denied they supplied her with the deadly drug Ecstasy .
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