Example sentences of "they [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Old Mr Misfortune ’ found consolation for his latest failure by marrying his 17-year-old bride , on the very day they met for the first time , 2 September 1719 .
2 They met for the first time at the weekend as their two-week-old girls were swopped and handed back to the right mothers .
3 They met for the first time on May 13th 1794 , a date which had been specified in the statute .
4 They met for the first time at the Liverpool Adult Deaf and Dumb Society in Princes Avenue on the 25 April 1890 .
5 Paul 's touching letters stood out and they met for the first time shortly before he was posted to the former Yugoslavia .
6 But last night they admitted for the first time that Mr Mellor did not refer it to the then Prime Minister , Mrs Thatcher .
7 Thus , while trade unionists wished old people to be kept at a level of economic decency , they realized at the same time that pensions without a retirement condition would erode the wage structure and weaken trade union bargaining .
8 ‘ Oh no ! ’ they exclaimed at the same time .
9 Do they survive for a long time ?
10 In other words , they appear at the same time at widely separated localities .
11 It was then that they disagreed for the first time about the terms of their verbal agreement and a serious rift developed between them .
12 Had they succeeded for the first time in outstripping the rumours of their coming ?
13 None of them mentioned Richard or Hubert Molland ; nor did they refer to the last time they had all had tea together .
14 They are , no doubt , conditioned by the environment in which they live , they act in a given time and place .
15 How many times have you been walking with someone who does that all the time , regardless of climatic considerations , and wanted to deliver a rabbit punch to the back of their neck when they stop for the tenth time that day and begin the ponderous unclipping of their rucksack ?
16 In such phrases one sees a characteristic Tolkienian strength : his ideas were often paradoxical and had deep intellectual roots , but they appealed at the same time to simple things and to everyday experience .
17 All we can reasonably conclude is that they happened at the same time .
18 They arrived at the same time ! ’
19 Enabling self-expression allows counsellees to explain to us where they stand at the present time .
20 They kissed for a long time , and indeed there was still longing there , in both of them , a kind of hopeless longing .
21 Now the , the pensions when they raised at the same time , because we only pension raised every year , and we 're up there at that particular time at the Lothian region , a full council meeting .
22 Through the Declaration of Ilo , the two presidents committed Bolivia and Peru to implement the terms of the Gran Mariscal Andrés de Santa Cruz bilateral framework agreement , which they signed at the same time , for economic co-operation between the two countries .
23 That maybe they get to a certain time when they 're going to be out of touch ?
24 Doctors at the Johns Hopkins medical school in Baltimore say that after intensive tests they believe for the first time the Aids virus had been eradicated from the patient 's body before he died from a separate lymphoma cancer .
25 Yesterday they lost for the second time when they fell 6-7 , 7-6 , 6-3 , 6-4 to Todd Witsken of the United States and Jorge Lozano of Mexico .
26 Yesterday they lost for the second time when they fell 6-7 , 7-6 , 6-3 , 6-4 to Todd Witsken of the United States and Jorge Lozano of Mexico .
27 There were three women and they died at the same time so God goes cos you do n't all three of you do n't so , erm , the first one goes : I wan na go back to Earth thousand times are better so she goes back as a President , right ?
28 But then again there have n't really been any bands that have said what they felt in a long time . ’
29 Yeah they went into an upbeat time did n't they ?
30 They saw for the first time what was to become a regular and tragic sequence of events : a dramatic response to the first treatment , a lesser one to a second , and in the end delayed death from a condition which had become as resistant to drugs as it was to radiation therapy .
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