Example sentences of "they [verb] [to-vb] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This particular America 's cup bears no comparison to the trophy they failed to capture at The Belfry .
2 They agreed to appear at a venue called Litchfields , basically a working men 's club on one of the town 's many estates .
3 Other protestors , including the Cleveland-based Neon , also gave details of the evidence they intend to give at the inquiry .
4 In the more seasonal forests , hummingbirds may be migratory , but in all forests they tend to breed at the time when the flowers on which they depend are most abundant , though as with the thrips and the Shorea species , there is some staggering of flowering times and avoidance of competition for pollinators between plants .
5 His hand under her arm steadied her as they moved to stand at the rail .
6 They seemed to bend at the knee , setting their feet apart so that they could never be off balance when they moved .
7 An interim experiment took place in 1981 with tubes of brine shrimp , which are sensitive to changes in the magnetic field : they seemed to cluster at the end of the tube which was nearest the stones .
8 And they forgot to knock at the door and make themselves known to the people inside .
9 The Wolverines ' stock of blast and frag grenades would likewise be of little avail , though since each grenade hardly bulked larger than a coin the Scouts could at least retain their pursefuls of those in case they needed to kill at a distance .
10 So any feature analyser would have to deal with context so therefore they started to look at the role of context and we 're gon na look at contextual effects later on , probably next week or the week after .
11 Linda 's family were visiting from Ireland and after visiting Thorpe Park in Surrey , they decided to stop at a pub on the way home .
12 They went to look at the jewellery piled on a table on the far side of the courtyard .
13 It was Bizet 's Carmen they went to hear at the Opera .
14 They paused to stare at a cistern hanging on the wall next to a wash basin , the rest of the house having disappeared .
15 ‘ I 'm told the front rows in the Moore tragedy were so close that they had to bend at the waist to get in ’ , said Akpata .
16 The players , who already knew the value of the advertising dollar , were endlessly pumped onto the television advertisements ( most of them in soft focus ) as they mouthed clichés and manufactured statements about what they hoped to do at the World Cup .
17 But to protect the fruits of 7 years of their labour , they feel they have to stay at the site .
18 The story is that four kings were on a journey to their coronation when , on the way , they wanted to stay at a hotel .
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