Example sentences of "they [verb] [verb] a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 At the second meeting , in November , they agreed to call a halt to the free trade area negotiations .
2 Whether managers know it or not , every decision they make suggests a story to the rest of the enterprise .
3 They want to see an end to the image of trade unions as Labour 's paymaster and , by implication , policy-maker .
4 Now , they want to make a commitment to the child they handed back .
5 There was an air of disquiet , much muttering and whispering as they tried to find a solution to the problem facing them — a greater broad backed bookworm had been spotted .
6 They 'd planned a trip to Warwick Castle , but she could n't get the time off .
7 There they 'd lit a fire and cooked the rice , but before starting to eat they 'd made an offering to Ban Bhāi , god of the forest , asking permission to plunder his lands .
8 The heavier atomic bits — the stuff that goes to make up the planets — they had to wait until later until they 'd had a chance to be built up .
9 They decided to write a letter to Angel Clare , to inform him of the dangerous situation his wife was in .
10 ‘ The Labour Party were prepared to try , with their very benevolent intentions , to give people good housing , but they did put a stop to people being able to do things for themselves , ’ he told the Observer .
11 Design teams should be allocated a total budget within which they agree to provide a design to the appropriate quality .
12 Although within Goody 's own terms they do provide a challenge to his claims for the consequences of a shift from oral to literate culture , they do not provide an unambiguous or ‘ scientific ’ starting point from which to test those claims .
13 No and right and their people they 've uncovered a path to the bigger .
14 We are not allowed to know just yet , for the London Underground rule book tells drivers to wait for 30 minutes before making an announcement , unless they 've received a message to the contrary from their controllers or there is some ‘ immediate threat to safety . ’
15 Navar Avokea or Navareno Bay erm it 's more , I think it 's more technically known as Avokea See if they 've got a reference to the .
16 So fast , in fact , that they had to call a halt to it .
17 They had sent a message to the country stating that Amy was ill , shortly before her death .
18 They had sent a telegram to Louise ( Constance could not pluck up the courage to speak to her ) ; Ludovico had telephoned a friend about somewhere for them to stay and they had eaten what to Constance , used to English food , seemed the most delicious lunch she had ever tasted .
19 Three weeks earlier they had devoted a page to the story that another of his girlfriends , actress Rebecca Broussard , aged twenty-six , was expecting his baby , revealing that he was ‘ excitedly looking forward to playing daddy , but the bed-jumping Joker has flatly told Rebecca that he had no intention of marrying her . ’
20 But did they realise that in trying to staunch the bleeding heart , they had administered a tourniquet to the artery of free will ?
21 They might not dare to admit it , but they did n't like the changes they saw around them ; they enjoyed television 's recreations of more confident times , when they had had a country to be proud of , when people had reached maturity at forty and had not pandered to youth .
22 He remembered the occasion when they had paid a visit to St Whatever-it-was on Magdalen bridge in Oxford .
23 And they had a strap and they used to carry all the weight on their foreheads and on , and through their necks , and they used to climb , we went up to seventeen and a half thousand feet , and they climbed up with all these bags and they cooked for us and they got river water for us and sometimes they had to walk a kilometre to the river to go and get the water and then carry it back again er with the band around their heads and so initially it seemed quite difficult to accept them doing this for you , but for them it was a job and erm it was probably the only sort of job that they could get .
24 Instead , his mind is on the great frosts of his youth , when the snow lay so deep on The Crown Green that they had to dig a trench to the shop door .
25 At the end of those ten minutes , though , they had taken a turn to the right , then one to the left , and it was apparent that Naylor knew his way around the area .
26 While some sailors said they had taken an oath to the Soviet Union and would never take another , others said they would serve in any fleet as long as the pay was right .
27 Apparently on 5 July $600,000 had been paid into the account of Hildenbrand and her associate Lanzone and they had issued a receipt to the museum 's director .
28 The chorus of televisions was tuned to an American game show in which competing families were leaping up and down and screaming with apparent incontinence because they had won a trip to Disneyworld .
29 Together with a very few other insects , they have developed an immunity to the poison .
30 However , as the hon. Gentleman knows , the Libyan Government have been taking steps in parallel — that is , they have made an application to the ICJ and , at the same time , they are making a response to the UN Security Council .
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