Example sentences of "from being [vb pp] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Far from being perceived as the harbinger of an amoral ‘ social Darwinism ’ based on the worship of brute force , Darwin 's theory became a foundation stone of the nineteenth century 's faith in the inevitability of progress .
2 The producer of the programme , Jack Barton , felt that ‘ if the viewers could accept Nina and her disabilities , there was a chance of chipping away at some of the old prejudices that stand to prevent mentally handicapped people from being accepted in the community . ’
3 He also tried to prevent the new grammar schools from being reserved for the sons of the gentry .
4 In August 1916 , a car of this class was fitted with large hoops over the ends of the upper deck to protect passengers from being struck by the trolley pole when being turned in the blackout or from a broken spring .
5 As for the English speaking , a child of far more than three has no difficulty learning Italian and is so far from being wedded to the tongue he has begun with that he forgets it within a few months so do not say to me that is an obstacle .
6 ‘ … one was a female pauper of very advanced age who had laboured for many years under a complication of incurable disorders , and her situation was so desperate as to have precluded her from being received into the House had it not happened that she was the first patient presented .
7 I am now expected to lift her , helpless as a fool that she is , out of that great bed , daily , across the room , into a chair , and back again , and to run up and down when she catches a chill , when her back aches from being pressed against the chair .
8 This gives rise to the possibility that such an investigation could be used by the union as a stalling facility to prevent the applicant from being assisted by the Commissioner .
9 Nevertheless , despite the necessity to protect children from being misled by the stories of ‘ heaven ’ and miracles , it should be made quite clear to them that most of the stories of good works attributed to the people involved are most likely to be true , and as these people are believed to have done much more good than most , they have been given a place in the windows of the churches and in paintings and elsewhere .
10 LABOUR MP Norman Hogg plans to introduce a bill that will end the 200-year ban preventing vicars , Catholic priests and Scottish ministers from being elected to the House of Commons .
11 In Att. -Gen. for New South Wales v. Trethowan ( P.C. , 1932 ) a decision of the Australian Supreme Court to grant a declaration that two Bills passed by the New South Wales State Legislature were invalid and grant an injunction restraining the Bills from being presented to the Governor for assent was upheld .
12 My nightmare is trying to concentrate on a guest while really wondering at what point I can break off the conversation to same some dish or saucepan from being welded to the oven forever .
13 This prevents a permanently installed generator from being charged by the battery when it is not creating an output itself .
14 And reciprocally , if memory formation requires the synthesis of proteins for the construction of synapses , then if one could stop the proteins from being synthesized around the time of learning then the memory should not be formed ; an animal trained on a task and prevented from synthesizing proteins should behave as if it has no memory for the task — is amnesic — when it is subsequently asked to perform it .
15 Far from being a zero-sum game , far from being fixed in the amount that is technically available , those in possession of academic freedom can go on continually expanding its scope .
16 Most fare very badly in captivity and are voluntarily banned from being brought into the country by most of the large importers .
17 It gets its name from being slammed against the bar-top and downed in one go .
18 ‘ It might save me from being shoved through the door like you . ’
19 Far from being used by the producers , it is her insistence that there is no absolute link between salmonella in birds and its presence in eggs that has attracted supporters to her cause .
20 A second international trend present in the election and one that needs to be recognised as a global , not uniquely British , phenomenon is the decline of clear , ideologically based , alternatives to right-wing capitalism , a crisis of the social-democratic model that , far from being reversed by the disappearance of authoritarian socialism in the east , has been accentuated by it .
21 In order to prevent the company from being sold beneath the management 's feet , it is essential that the parties agree an exclusive period of time during which the vendor agrees not to negotiate with third parties .
22 ‘ Far from being invalidated by the fact that , for instance , a perfect balance of power policy will scarcely be found in reality , it assumes that reality , being deficient in this respect , must be understood and evaluated as an approximation to an ideal system of balance of power .
23 It was damp from being buried in the leaves .
24 In addition , all new publications are designed for creation on the system — a subtle distinction from being designed on the system .
25 Soon the bodies began to pile up here , too , and yet again the Collector and his men had to put their shoulders to the carnal barricade to prevent it from being ejected into the hall ; and yet again , as if in a dream , the Collector found his face an inch from that of an amused sepoy and thought : " It surely ca n't be the same man ! " for from this corpse 's moustache there was also a scent of patchouli .
26 ‘ A lot of misery comes from being pressurised by the label of ‘ pop star ’ .
27 Plastic Grids were placed in the bottom of the main vat to stop the fish from being sucked into the pump inlet .
28 Once in place , the dividing mesh allows the water to circulate normally through the aquarium , but is still fine enough to prevent young fry from being sucked into the filter .
29 His ceilings are a generous 8 feet high ( not 7 feet ) ; the walls are almost three times the normal thickness ( not 6 but 16 inches , if made of stone ) , and the building , far from being sunk in the ground , is raised 15–18 inches above it to avoid damp .
30 It is important , as I have said , that all practicable steps be taken to prevent violence from being encouraged across the frontier .
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