Example sentences of "from the [noun sg] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some MEPs want ultimately to take over from the council the main responsibility for passing EC laws , while others want to concentrate on the right to appoint the European Commission .
2 It also deducted from the sentence the three years which Bao had spent in detention since 1989 .
3 The army said 60 sheep had been stolen from the settlement the previous night .
4 From the distance the eerie blast of a horn strikes sudden terror .
5 From the river the disembodied voice said : ‘ Let the girl go .
6 When they were only fifty yards from the herd the French boy came back to Joseph and raised a mischievous eyebrow .
7 From the north the Dark Elves swept through Ulthuan looting , burning and pillaging .
8 It was obvious from the way the odious man had spoken to Travis that there was a bond of family caring there , but that in no way excused his manner to her .
9 It was obvious from the way the staring eyes blinked , both Pairs together , that they had not been expecting an answer .
10 We are not told this but it is easy to say that the plot opens up in the Deep American South between the two world wars , from the way the coloured people are treated , the fashions , and the descriptive backgrounds .
11 He said he felt no pain , apart from injections which he has never been fond of , and when he came round from the operation the first thing he asked for was the Ipswich football scores and a drink .
12 On his behalf , Great Burkill made one more assault on the establishment , only to receive from the university the final brush off .
13 Please could you let me know i ) if the council has set any time limit on these protracted negotiations and if so what it is and ii ) when planning consent is given will it apply from the date the original application was approved or the date the conditions were approved .
14 There is also a time bar : the Commissioners may only investigate a complaint if it is made within 12 months from the date the aggrieved person first had notice of the matter complained or , but a Commissioner has power to accept a complaint outside the time limit if he considers that there are special circumstances which make it proper to do so .
15 From the verandah the only sign of human habitation was the tower of St Hilary church rising out of the trees half a mile away .
16 Apart from the architecture the other arts which flourished so prodigiously were those of luxury objects : in the exhibition itself were jewel caskets , lustre ware , marble capitals , window screens , carpets , arms and armour and books .
17 From the air the sheer scale of the invasion of the common can be seen , achieving the dubious record of being Britain 's largest ever illegal rave party .
18 From the sitting-room the royal party proceeds to the concourse , where an Ascot landau waits , its postilion in highland dress .
19 That 's a note he got from the Editor the other day , giving him the sack . ’
20 The receptionist should learn how to extract from the caller the exact nature of the information required in order to classify the enquiry .
21 Henderson resigned from the Government the next day .
22 From the outset the wide impact of the ban was and anticipate , the experiment has given me opportunity for it to be tested on the ground so that future decision can be taken objectively .
23 In 1937 Fenner Brockway wrote that " from the outset the Left Book Club has been recognisable as an instrument of Communist Party policy " .
24 From the outset the whole team here at the hospital was instinctively pally and collegial .
25 From the gallery the main staircase leads up to a first-floor open-plan living/dining-room/kitchen area , the hefty roof timbers of the old barn being exposed overhead .
26 Any competitor who wins three consecutive races retains the cup , and in 1986 Terry was one race away from gaining his second cup when he was beaten by a local lad whose legs had given way just twenty yards from the finish the previous year .
27 Economic value — as this is based on future cash flows from the asset the economic value is likely to be reduced .
28 Kerrey 's withdrawal was seen as particularly good news for Clinton as it offered the prospect of removing from the campaign the rancorous legacy of the Vietnam war .
29 Could you get me from the shelf the black felt pen ?
30 Erm so you can see actually from this fact find , from the planning the future document , there are , there was , there is a particular interest to you erm are you , are you quite happy with the figures er sorry was it erm was it that you were more or less interested in ?
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