Example sentences of "they might be [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In this book we will be looking at the level at which facilities are provided in electronic hardware , as they might be seen by a system programmer about to implement the most basic software on the computer .
2 Constance followed close behind , clutching at his shirt in her terror that they might be separated in the crush .
3 No other ship could stand up to their guns , but some sailors thought they might be defeated by the new weapon of the torpedo .
4 Were it to do so , literally hundreds of thousands of people would tonight not be sitting at home frightened about whether they might be dragged into the courts and on to prison .
5 The pleasure of experiencing literature that " joyous thing " were intended to elevate the student into an affective domain where they might be imbued with a higher moral tone .
6 Yet all their study should have been directed to this end , so that they might be consumed with the love of God as well .
7 According to King Hassan II and his government , the prison does not exist — or , even if it does , the people all love the King so much it would be unsafe to release the prisoners — they might be killed by the populace .
8 They might be moving into a premises that 's already er , there now .
9 92 per cent of students provided their names and addresses so that they might be contacted for a follow-up postal survey planned for Spring 1985 ( 571 students ) .
10 Even the family allowances , though based in their present form upon the experience and conditions of the inter-war years — when Seebohm Rowntree 's surveys in York suggested that one male in four earned less than was necessary to maintain a man , wife and two children above the poverty line — consist of a simple system of payments and enter into budgetary habits and expectations no more and no less than the fiscal allowances , of which I once suggested to a CPC conference they might be regarded as an extension .
11 Gesticulating wildly in a crowded space , so that others are frightened that they might be struck by the defendant , is not punishable unless it can be shown that the defendant was at least aware that his conduct might be having such an effect .
12 They might be re-appointed for a further term but , even then , anyone in his or her late 60s is unlikely to reign long .
13 If it were merely a handful of Irish psychopaths against us , they might be foiled by a piece of pasteboard with a photograph and some numbers stamped on it .
14 The complexity of these relations , and the manner in which they might be used as a model of dynamic mechanisms to extend the concept of objectification from a simple dialectical cycle , is evident in Klein 's discussion of infantile hallucinatory gratification .
15 By the end of the war the Colonial Office was accustomed to thinking synoptically about Africa , to weighing with unaccustomed confidence and delusive clarity the large forces at work there and the ways in which they might be accommodated within a system of administration .
16 But they might be drawn to the sound of a group of females socialising — think that this is something worth investigating — and help us to lure them out again . ’
17 Such firms were likely to have particular characteristics : they were probably relatively labour-intensive , so labour was an important part of their costs ; or they might be located in an area where labour costs were rising particularly fast , or where labour availability was a problem .
18 ( 5 ) the relative ignorance of teachers as to available materials and the means by which they might be acquired through the project and other county services
19 And they must do that as the possibility increases that they might be sucked into a wider Balkans war .
20 There was a nationalist fear that they might be confined to an internal Northern Ireland settlement , but this has been denied .
21 In the face of even further diversion of financial resources for training away from special needs , can we build on what expertise we have to find economic and yet effective ways to overcome the present difficulties , to deepen all teachers ' understanding of learning and behaviour problems and of the way in which they might be resolved within the learning situation of the classroom ?
22 Neither the stevedores , the lightermen , the coal trimmers nor the seamen easily accepted the possibility that they might be submerged under an advancing tide of labourers more unskilled than themselves .
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