Example sentences of "they have [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I need to know who your customers are , what orders they have placed in the past and why they no longer wish to trade with you .
2 After they have gone to the ball , Cinderella , with a giggle , picks up her broom and gives it the same lesson , using it as a partner .
3 The model is developed from research they have conducted into the relationship between job characteristics , motivation , and job satisfaction .
4 After ten years in a department working , for example , on housing , the fact that one man 's undergraduate degree was in philosophy and another 's in sociology will make little or no difference ; what will matter is the capacity and experience they have developed at the task .
5 Ethologists have followed Darwin in their prime concern with the evolution of species and the various forms of physical and behavioural adaptation that they have developed in the process of competing for survival .
6 They are the ultimate jugglers , but they have to manage without the help of disposable nappies , supermarkets and freezers .
7 For example , some governments would probably not have spent as much on telecommunications as they have done without the stimulus of a foreign-dominated export sector that produces hard-currency earnings , and the expectation that such facilities , however expensive , would attract even more companies .
8 Books on art appreciation will also concern themselves with formal questions , as they have done since the beginning of the century .
9 It is a place where people live and work , as they have done in the past and will do in the future .
10 If done well , these can add an interesting chapter to the history of the building , as they have done in the past .
11 But history has shown that those in authority should take more notice of recommended accident prevention measures than they have done in the past .
12 It reminds us that we are feeling anxious and in doing so increases our fear that the symptoms may get worse as they have done in the past .
13 It is hoped that members will continue to support the Trust as generously as they have done in the past , in the knowledge that by responding to information mailed to them they are making a contribution to the Trust 's work .
14 It will allow doctors to perform twice as many operations as they have done in the past .
15 The reason for such an uncompromising policy is made plain : ‘ … that they may not teach you to do according to all their abominable practices which they have done in the service of their gods , and so to sin against the Lord your God ’ ( 20.18 ; see7.4 ) .
16 Schools are indeed to be congratulated in what they have done in the face of what you pr prepared for them .
17 They have to rely on the Government 's goodwill .
18 They have to rely on the indulgence of their employers and the depth of their own pockets to take part .
19 MOST company chairmen proudly trumpet the number of jobs that they have cut during the recession .
20 They take some of the money they have cut from the training budget and use it to fund employment action .
21 They have lived in the area for hundreds of years .
22 Burun 's chief wife was small and slim , handsome in the way that unremarkable women sometimes are when they have matured past the need for beauty , and the red-gold of her hair was as yet unmarred by the silver which would have betrayed her age .
23 Their summer holidays are spent in the caravan they have positioned in the yard
24 I am concerned that I have recently received from the National Westminster Bank an invoice for £10.58 which they have debited from the Parish Council account for ‘ Audit Certificate Fee ’ , apparently on your instructions .
25 Looseknit networks are hard to deal with chiefly because a multi-valued speaker variable like social network involves comparing speakers who differ from each other in certain respects — let us say in respect of the multiplexity of the ties which they have contracted at the workplace — but are still similar enough to each other in other related respects to make such a comparison meaningful .
26 The mature reader , of whatever age , takes liberties with the text : ‘ Proficient readers can go directly to the meaning of the passage being read , only sampling the print for confirmation of the hypotheses they have made about the meaning intended by the author .
27 The foresters , both riding and walking , and their pages take for a cart two , three or four shillings , from some more and from others less according to their means , and for a pack-horse twelve , sixteen or eighteen pence , to raise their fine which they have made with the warden for their appointment ; this to the great destruction of the King 's forest and the grievance of those who have woods in the forest , for they suffer the carriers to go quit all through the year without attachment , and yet the King has no profit …
28 Premiums could be cut by a fifth if consultants passed on savings they have made with the increase of private work , said the Norwich Union .
29 Nor would I dismiss their contributions to the analysis of sexism , or deny the contribution , in my own profession , they have made to the re-emergence of work with young women .
30 Many hon. Members on both sides of the House must be embarrassed about some of the comments that they have made in the past .
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