Example sentences of "they were [v-ing] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Some years ago , when my husband and he discovered they were flying on the same Concorde , they exchanged autographed dinner menus .
2 And yet they were writing about the same place , and both of them knew it intimately , and had known it for years .
3 Within a month he knew almost as much about oven temperatures , controls , rising yeast and the correct mixture of flour to water as either of the two assistants , and as they were dealing with the same customers as Charlie was on his barrow , sales on both dropped only slightly during the first quarter .
4 At the age of nine , they were coming under the same social pressures as older children .
5 However , in this case , it would not be necessary to determine that all the quanta came from the same direction : it would be enough to observe that they all arrived within a very short time interval to be reasonably confident that they were coming from the same burst .
6 Both beams were yellow , and they were arriving at the same rate .
7 Thus , although non-Muslim monotheists , like the Christians and the Jews , had not travelled as far along the road to truth as the Muslims , they were travelling in the same direction .
8 Two people who think they are disagreeing may , in fact , be talking about different things and would n't disagree if they were talking about the same thing , but it 's important to recognise that when the university and colleges talk about what they want to do about sexual harassment , they certainly imagine that a range of different forms of response are going to be appropriate to this range of different forms of behaviour , ranging from on the one hand education , encouraging people to think they have a right to protest and answer back , to giving them access to erm people who may mediate and persuade another person who they 're not making an impact on that their behaviour is unreasonable , to the most extreme disciplinary procedures against someone who 's behaving in a way which is generally thought to be unacceptable and who 's not prepared to desist .
9 As they came close we watched as they demonstrated the subtle science of reading the often obscure words of the hymn and seeing where they were going at the same time .
10 And they always travelled separately , even when they were going to the same function .
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