Example sentences of "they were [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Presumably cars from 36–40 were chosen for these experimental features as they were on the newest trucks .
2 By mid-afternoon they were on the lower slopes of Lustley Foin .
3 Although they were at the agricultural policies undoubtedly continue to be relevant , still have a significant part to play in many current situations .
4 Of course , they were at the opposite ends of the price range .
5 We have some wry wry smiles from some of the older people er in the group here because they er did n't get much when they were at the formative stages of their careers .
6 Deep carpet covered the floors and the stairs swept up to the showrooms and the warren of workrooms beyond , and though the window drapes and furnishings were ever-so-slightly faded , as if they had seen better days , they were of the finest silks and velvets and every corner was swept , polished and cleaned daily so that no single speck of dust , let alone a cobweb , dared show itself .
7 They were included within the diplomacy of the successor states , even though they were outside the geographical bounds of the one-time Roman Empire .
8 As soon as they were amongst the shuttered houses of Edinburgh , Corbett slowed down and turned to grin at the pale , terrified face of Ranulf .
9 But , as we have seen , other products of social organisation , such as seals and medallions , can have this quality too and , in the right conditions , may be aptly considered more reliable , as they were by the medieval knights .
10 There were some young student nuns already in place , they were in the front rows , eager and anxious to miss nothing .
11 The 1967 Abortion Act made it possible for women to get abortions if they were in the early stages of pregnancy and could persuade two doctors that they met certain criteria .
12 Wicked persons are also tempted to remove the plates from their own or someone else 's copy and frame them ; the plates and text are much more separable in every way than they were in the old herbals .
13 A retrospective account written in 1937 gives the occupational composition of these pioneering groups : they were in the main teachers and shopkeepers , representing both high and low church — essentially the lower-middle classes .
14 An example I quote is of two particular members of staff who had been there a long time , and so , when I walked into the staff room , they were in the same seats .
15 Carolyn and Diana were drawn to each other from the start because they were among the only pupils whose parents were divorced .
16 Not surprisingly they were among the first fossils to attract widespread attention .
17 He listened to the few men who had survived for more than a few weeks and talked of ‘ Blighty ’ and prayed only for a ‘ cushy wound ’ so they could be moved to the nearest hospital tent and , if they were among the lucky ones , eventually be sent home to England .
18 Two of the survivors assured me they were among the last girls to be admitted to the trade .
19 erm in general we must remember that Iran was erm stating very clearly that it was exporting it 's revolution and there were statements which came out from the Iraqui from the Irani revolutionary committee that they were against the Arab states at the time and that they were very committed towards liberating Israel through Baghdad and such statements was coming , so obviously erm the Arabs had to stick together according to charter of the league of Arab states , which everybody was a member of , and Iraq being subjected to war it was natural for the Arabs to give Iraq support .
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