Example sentences of "they had [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When I arrived they showed me the letter they had received from the Chief Education Officer that morning which explained the proposed Statementing procedure :
2 An essential part of all eel tanks is sliding glass covers , so these were duly closed and the eels left to themselves for the night while I hoped that they were strong enough to survive the constant stress that they had endured over the past thirty-six hours .
3 They had ridden to the far end of the long gravel ridge .
4 They had descended on the former Jesuit college from all corners of the world representing a variety of organisations from the International Labour Organisation , through the Congress of South African Trades Unions , to the Asian Center for the Progress of Peoples , the cross-border American wo-men 's organisation Mujer á Mujer , and the London Hazards Centre .
5 They had invested for the long term , if not in imperial unity ( and significantly , nothing was said at Worms about emperorship or empire ) , then in the coexistence of Lothar and Charles in the regnum francorum .
6 Throughout the 1930s Hollywood was to make films condemning various abuses and malpractices in the American system and there were always to be films which clung to the conventions of the city film as they had emerged in the early part of the decade .
7 Springfield and Fenton pulled back the flaps of the cut they had made in the chain-link fence , allowing Grant and Larsen to duck through into hostile territory .
8 By the mid-1920s they no longer had the harsh appearance that they had developed in the immediate pre-war years …
9 They had known each other for so many years , since they had trained at the Royal Victoria , Belfast , that there were no secrets or illusions between them and she was able to tell Mick all her problems .
10 The Greenham women complained of police brutality but , as Johnson points out , ‘ The press portrayed the blockading women as screaming harridans , contrasting us with what they had presented as the nice , well-meaning middle-class mothers and grandmothers the day before ’ ( Johnson , 1989:167 ) .
11 They had suffered in the Civil War from requisitioning by Red , White , and Green armies , and to some extent from the Bolshevik-inspired kombedy ( committees of poor peasants ) .
12 They had been allowed in , they had gone past the uniformed security , and then had had to sit and wait in a grey-painted lobby , watched by the plainclothes minders , before the man had come down for them .
13 The main problem with MI6 at the time was that all the senior people were amateurs who had joined MI6 only because they had gone to the right school , wore the right sort of tie and dined at the right clubs .
14 By the 16th century they had gone to the other extreme and were namby-pamby , play-acting affairs without genuine combat .
15 They had gone into the largest of the rock shelters , one which he himself used when he felt very bold and did not mind looking out over the vacancy of the Waste .
16 Unlike the increases of the early 1930s , this jump was caused by the revival of stealing networks , mainly in those areas where they had prevailed in the nineteenth century .
17 In Brightside the Unionist candidate had been specially demobilised for the election ; the Central Office agent for Yorkshire persuaded him to stand down , but it took a visit to Central Office before his supporters could be persuaded to support a Coalition Liberal that they had opposed at the last three elections .
18 Its evidence : ‘ depended upon the evidence of Mr Whitney-Long [ not a current employee of UD I understand ] ; his evidence was essential to the proof that they had relied upon the 1982 audited accounts in discounting the four bills that formed the basis of their claim .
19 In a wartime bulletin of 1942 , staff were advised to urge customers to bring their own receptacles for food shopping , as they had done during the Great War .
20 Kenneth Baker , the party chairman , said yesterday that Cabinet ministers would play a stronger role in government than they had done over the last decade , and there would have to be public spending increases in the 1990s to pay for an improved quality of life .
21 Moreover , Macmillan managed to ensure that the Americans did not impose a dual key system as they had done with the RAF-manned Thors .
22 The central event of the former 's pontificate can hardly fail to be seen as Humanae Vitae in 1968 , central because its publication marked a watershed separating the first years of enthusiasm , of an optimistic post-conciliar implementation in which Rome and leading Catholic theologians were still working more or less hand in hand ( as they had done in the latter years of the Council ) from the far more contestatory and unsure later period .
23 I noticed that when particularly struck by a drawing , his features would assume the same look of wide-eyed amazement that they had done in the latter rôle when Bottom wakes from his dream and begins the speech , ‘ I have had a most rare vision … ’
24 I noticed that when particularly struck by a drawing , his features would assume the same look of wide-eyed amazement that they had done in the latter rôle when Bottom wakes from his dream and begins the speech , ‘ I have had a most rare vision … ’ .
25 The electrical power workers , however , did not respond in the forthright way they had done in the general strike of May 1974 .
26 As they had done in the 1930s , Soviet organisations approached state-owned Latin American oil companies .
27 He confessed that everyone trusted him now , as they had done in the old days .
28 Fears of communism had deep roots in the past ( p.6 ) and they had increased as the Cold War developed after 1945 .
29 Early on , she demanded from each member a list of the people they had consulted during the previous three months .
30 They had met at the close mouth as she was inserting her key into the heavy outer door .
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