Example sentences of "they had [be] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They were ragged and cowed , but they had been given a bed for the night and an enforced bath .
2 They had been given a family room , from which Monsieur Gauthier had obligingly removed one of the three single beds in order to provide the space Iris required for her daily yoga session .
3 They had been given a meal there but had refused to stay overnight .
4 The rooks and crows which lived in the decaying stumps of the castle 's high towers could talk ; they had been given the voices of Quiss and Ajayi 's respective rivals , unfaithful lovers and hated superiors .
5 They could not ‘ observe ’ until they had been given an idea of what to look at and what to look for .
6 Some of the 120 rebels claimed that they had been granted an amnesty , but an official spokesman stated that all had surrendered unconditionally and could face charges of treason , a capital offence .
7 Since about 1840 they had been expanding the scope of their products to include the whole range of cotton-processing machinery .
8 They had been discussing the idea that a pet should be for life not just for Christmas and decided to take the idea a step further , ’ she said .
9 ‘ Did you want me , Myra ? ’ she asked as calmly as if they had been discussing the weather and not within an ace of making either love or war .
10 Whilst they had been watching the protesters , a waitress had come out of The Crossed Keys hotel on the corner of the square carrying a tray of interesting-looking glasses .
11 On one occasion after they had been to see the film Odd Man Out , thick fog prevented Bobby returning home to Blackheath .
12 As the boats began to leave the mouth of the River Tees , where they had been barring the way to Teesport , they claimed their eight-hour show of strength had been a success .
13 They had been defending the building for 31 days and there was blood on the floor .
14 Almost as if they had been awaiting the signal of an extra moon , they now took their prancings into a more intense phase .
15 Mr Ben Ali had indicated some softening of his position towards the fundamentalists in an interview with visiting Arab journalists on Monday , saying that they had been offered the chance to open their own newspaper .
16 If a group of young people , from all races , all countries and bearing all creeds were gathered together after having been introduced to the concept of the Created God , and were able to set aside , for the time being , their own taught beliefs , they would find that they had been offered an area of religious discussion which would be on completely neutral ground .
17 Labour frontbenchers said they had been shown a note written by Sir Terence Heiser , Permanent Secretary at the Department of the Environment , to Nicholas Ridley , the then Secretary of State .
18 In Arequipa I had watched women in the church of Santo Domingo giggle happily as they dressed the Virgin for a procession ; , behaving much as if they had been preparing a girl for a wedding , not a poor girl though , rather one Velasquez might be called upon to paint .
19 For nearly a generation they had been resisting the introduction of written inventories of peasant obligations , whose purpose was to prevent noblemen treating serfs in the arbitrary manner to which they were accustomed .
20 They had been challenging the sailing colliers for a number of years and the movement of coal was so important that the nautical press carried a daily feature and report on the coal trade .
21 At the last , Britain 's ambassador to Constantinople abandoned the encouragement he had been giving the Turks and advised them to go on negotiating , but by this time neither Britain nor France was in a position to withdraw the backing which they had been giving the sultan .
22 The military report claimed that when Georgian authorities protested to the Russian army headquarters in Gudauta , they had been told the attack had been to avenge shelling on Saturday of a Russian army unit .
23 The prehistoric trees looked as if they had been felled the day before , but they were as sterile as hot bricks from a kiln and probably one hundred and thirty million years old .
24 They had been crossing a scree ; there had been many loose stones , and footing was difficult , but surely at that point they had been traversing a gentler slope , and her employer had actually been standing on a flattish stretch of granite when she had fallen .
25 Suppose they had been having an affair , and she 'd dropped him ? ’
26 She subsequently discovered that they had been having an affair for several months .
27 Protected from prosecution by an amnesty law of 1978 , the military opposed any such investigation but their claim that they had been fighting a war against left-wing subversion became increasingly untenable with the discovery of mass graves containing the bodies of their political opponents and the disclosure of how they had indulged in corrupt financial practices while in power , including the payment of US$3,000,000 to Pinochet 's son [ see pp. 37528-29 ; 37852-53 ; 37958 ] .
28 Amiss suspected they had been hammering the port harder than ever the previous night .
29 I actually said that there were relatively few anomalies and that if they had been addressed the tax would have found favour .
30 WGPT sales manager , announced at the conference that , as a result of co-operation between the two companies , they had been awarded the Shell Offshore Inc .
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