Example sentences of "they are [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They are overseen by Tennis Director , former Davis and Kings Cup player , Robin Drysdale , who has a compliment of 10 coaches under his wing .
2 Lovley reported that it has not been determined how the bacteria break down the chemicals , but he speculated that they are converted into carbon dioxide and chloride or fluoride salts .
3 The regulation of pension funds tends to be far lighter than for insurance companies as they are bound by trust legislation , and because the companies that offer pensions have an incentive to make sure that schemes are adequately administered as they are responsible for the benefits they have agreed upon for their employees ( even though they rarely run the fund themselves ) .
4 They are made of copper alloy and are about 3 to 4 cms in length .
5 The spouting water sprays add a touch of authenticity , and are quite edible as they are made from rice paper .
6 The Evangelical party will perhaps continue to exalt their hero as partially as parties always do — but the members of it will act thus only so far as they are possessed by party spirit , rather than by the pure spirit of the doctrines which they hold in common with their so-called Catholic opponents , whom adversaries style popish .
7 If they believe that by cutting the salaries of two or three people at the top of the operation they can pay for all those goodies they are living in cloud cuckoo land .
8 ‘ IF anyone thinks the bald figures tell you anything about the quality or hard work of the consultant , then they are living in cloud cuckoo land ’ — Karl Fortes Mayer , 51 , a general surgeon at Walsall Manor Hospital in the West Midlands , commenting on publication of his patient waiting times .
9 Subroutines are similar to PROCedures , but they are called by line number not by name .
10 They are expressed in voice control .
11 Often called laser printers because many of them use a semiconductor laser to expose the image onto the drum , they are based on photocopier technology and produce an excellent substitute for traditionally typeset material , so long as the quality requirements are not paramount .
12 They are dealing with power station staff and other engineers who do n't make any allowances for you .
13 For the second verse at ‘ so high ’ the hands are clasped together and raised above the head , on ‘ so low ’ they are lowered to knee level and on ‘ so wide ’ they are stretched out sideways as far as possible .
14 They are to come from Grove Farm , just as you recommended , 12 Rhode Islands and 6 pullets .
15 ‘ We have a few big employers who are always asked for money , but they are suffering from donor fatigue , ’ says Paul Johnson , regional director for Business in the Community .
16 He concludes that they are suffering from fame displacement reversal syndrome , and hints that he had a pretty bloody awful childhood himself .
17 Small-sized enclaves * can only survive when they are protected from crab predation by one means or another .
18 Equally , there are temporary workers who , because they are deemed in labour law to be self-employed , enjoy no statutory employment rights .
19 Hosts : Sheep and goats Intermediate hosts : Molluscs : Muellerious in snails and slugs ; Protostrongylus in snails Genera and sites : Muellerius capillaris found in alveoli Protostrongylus many species , found in small bronchioles Minor related genera are Cystocaulus , Spiculocaulus and Neostrongylus Distribution : Worldwide except for arctic and subarctic regions These are brown hair-like worms 1.0-3.0 cm long which are difficult to discern with the naked eye as they are embedded in lung tissue .
20 But they are banned from party membership and can not vote for the party at election time .
21 It would do the boys good to see how she got a qualification to teach people recovering from illness and so on ( and they are paid by health insurance companies , so it is well structured and she actually gets paid reasonably ) .
22 Farmers have promised more mayhem if their government does not resist US demands for cuts — and they are backed by public opinion .
23 The muddle that these two uses of the word cause is in part Marx 's and Engels 's fault because when they are talking about society based on communal property , that is , before false consciousness arises , they mean by ideology the total process of cognition including language , political ideas , social rules , etc. , but when they are talking of class society where false consciousness is present they seem to mean by ideology something much more restricted : moral , political , and religious ideas and values .
24 The council bill must clearly show not only the precept for each level of local government but itemise what they are paying for street cleaning , for dustbin collection , for the police and for the various local government services .
25 They have fewer opportunities than men to be nourished by their work , since they are more often involved in dull and repetitive jobs ; secondly , the domestic and nurturing skills in which they have usually been trained are held in lower esteem both in the home and in the workplace than administrative or management skills , so what they do is less likely to receive praise ; lastly , they are conditioned to value praise from men more highly than praise from women , who are more often their colleagues or first-level bosses .
26 Adequate personal financial resources are an essential component of community care and an essential prerequisite , too , of dignity and self-worth , but , surprisingly , the financial needs of people with mental disorder are often ignored or , at the other end of the scale , such people are at times even treated rather like children — they are provided with pocket money for ‘ treats ’ but all other financial decisions are taken out of their hands .
27 They therefore can not be fully understood if they are taken at face value , and an investigator must find out what social situations sustain and are reflected in them .
28 The main disadvantage is that panels tend to be influenced in their buying behaviour by the role they are playing in consumer research .
29 They are used for shark bait and for human consumption , and the sexual organs are sought as love charms or amulets .
30 Sample surveys are now a very common part of life and they are used in market research , in government administration , and so on .
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