Example sentences of "they try [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dubos had been a pupil of Waksman , and together they tried to organize a round table discussion at the meetings of the Society of American Bacteriologists in Saint Louis during Christmas 1940 , on the subject of the production of antibacterial substances by micro-organisms .
2 THE UVF have admitted they tried to kill a Protestant man in east Belfast last night .
3 That gentile foster parents were liable to imbue youngsters with their own values , however hard they tried to take a neutral line , was undeniable , but the alternative , to turn away children because there were not enough Jewish homes for them to go to , was rejected out of hand by the RCM 's ruling council .
4 and they tried to take the bloody ticket off me .
5 They tried to reconcile the different strengths , ranges and parity properties of the weak and electromagnetic interactions , and to convert the two separate theories into a unified theory .
6 The voters , in other words , had not moved solidly to the right , their position was one of ambivalence ; they had become deeply sceptical about the role of government and yet they still expected government to aid them as they tried to meet the pressing problems of modern life .
7 They tried to tell the Irish delegation that we did n't have the power to negotiate without Jim Molyneaux , but it did n't work .
8 I was repeatedly threatened with rape and at one stage they tried to make a fellow detainee rape me .
9 They tried to make the Social Work Department follow its guidelines , but some of the parents believed the social workers did n't know much about the document at all .
10 For the colt always objected violently to having an iron shoe nailed on to its hoofs ; and sometimes the smith and his assistants were thrown about the trav ‘ us as they tried to get the young animal under control .
11 The declining fortunes of both racing and bookmaking came into direct collision when they tried to determine an appropriate levy for the next fiscal year .
12 Cricket in Sri Lanka is indeed a tough job with the high humidity as big a factor as the near 100 degree temperatures and the weather does add extra pressure on England 's players at the end of a long and arduous tour as they try to regain a little bit of their lost pride .
13 They try to maintain a rough balance across the liquidity range , but the precise composition of assets will vary as interest rates on the various assets vary , and as the demands for liquidity vary .
14 The agony that others seem to go through as they try to balance the contrasting facets of their lives leaves Sustad largely unaffected .
15 Not content with stars and galaxies , they try to understand the whole universe , its provenance and fate .
16 Cutter crews based in the north usually see Fair Isle as a faint blur through misty rain or flying spray , or in darkness and fog as a characteristic shape on the radar screen as they try to beat the next gale to Shetland , or conversely , back to Orkney .
17 Conference organisers may well be cutting their own throats in the long run if they try to wring the last penny ( or cent ) out of the latest bandwagons .
18 Are they trying to brain a charging riot policeman or a pack of snarling , Union Jack-waving skinhead Morrissey fans ?
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