Example sentences of "they should be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We would not have considered the orders today if the Opposition had not prayed against them and agreed that they should be debated with the main affirmative orders .
2 They should be sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment at Room 1203B , Tollgate House , Houlton Street , Bristol BS2 9DJ quoting reference APP/M1710/A/92/203052 .
3 They should be deployed to the maximum , while full employment is an ideal that we shall not reach .
4 Searches by telephone do not carry any priority and in practice , therefore , they should be followed by the usual postal application in order to preserve the priority period whilst undertaking subsequent formalities .
5 Once the seedlings have developed to a reasonable size , they should be transplanted in the aquarium .
6 The airflow over the ailerons often tends to move the stick towards the direction of the spin and they should be centralised for the recovery .
7 They should be looking at the number of guns held illegally . ’
8 I think it better to say that they should be answered on the basis of the general discussion of the issues in this opinion .
9 We th to rehearse a little bit of the debate we had last time on speed cameras , th there was erm discussion about who should fund the camera themselves because being a , the Department of Transport and Home Office recommendation , that they should be funded by the police , but because of Mr 's question at full Council and the wish of this committee to spend some of this additional money if you like , or in ninety three four for safety related measures , it was thought wise to combine the two and actually try and fund a trial er package of speed cameras cos it 's , it 's about six sites and one camera , from the ninety three four budget that we 've actually found .
10 er Graham seems to think they 're hinting that they should be done on the same day
11 The family are claiming they should be compensated for the income they lost as a result of Tony 's death .
12 The family are claiming they should be compensated for the income they lost as a result of Tony 's death .
13 By the laws of hospitality , they should be bound by the strictest rules of honour , custom , decency , each one to help and preserve and defend all the others .
14 Ideally , they should be kept in the open where they get good light , but are not exposed to severe winds .
15 They should be kept in the in there .
16 Can not the right hon. Gentleman accept that the Para battalions should have been the last to be cut , and that , if cuts must be made , they should be made on the basis of operational effectiveness , not political expediency ?
17 According to a report in the Montreal Gazette the statues had been ‘ tampered with ’ in this way on several occasions , and the newspaper felt that they should be raised beyond the reach of pranksters or removed to an inside guarded site .
18 Longer term aims may not require to be re-stated after just one year 's experience — numerous changes of direction will only serve to confuse , but they should be re-examined in the light of progress in attaining short term targets and the development plan should be altered accordingly .
19 Patterned fabrics may appeal to you , but they should be treated with the utmost caution .
20 It was safe to assume , he said , that no more than a dozen MPs knew whether they should be reaching for the champagne or the shotgun when the Government announced last month that the business rate was to be set at 36p in the pound last month .
21 For example , if some of the roses will be perfumed , then ideally they should be placed near the path , so that you can smell the scent as you walk past and , if you wish to bury your nose in the flower , you wo n't have to trample halfway over the flower bed to reach the appropriate bloom .
22 Meanwhile , the relics — fragments of lumbar bones — were placed in a vault at the Midland Bank , Woking , until a High Court judge ruled in April , 1988 , that they should be moved to the Russian Orthodox Church in exile at nearby Brookwood , Surrey , pending a final trial of the ownership action .
23 The law respects the right of the shareholders to determine the objectives of their association through contract and accepts that by virtue of their capital contributions they should be regarded as the owners of the company .
24 They should be decided in the context of the firm 's overall strategic thinking and not left to be resolved ad hoc .
25 However it is not clear whether they should be applied to the complete list of allowable words , or to the list of candidate strings , or indeed to some subset of either .
26 That 's an excellent role for farmers , for which they should be rewarded by the public .
27 This will be the third in a series of five speeches by Mr Lang setting out his personal views on specific areas of policy and how they should be developed during the course of this Parliament .
28 They should be fitted in the first instance by a community nurse , who will show you and the resident how to look after the catheter and how to empty the bag .
29 The following paragraphs pointed out that in unlimited competitions , although successful competitors can reasonably expect to be employed , the Government can not bind itself to employ them , but in this case they should be employed on the new Foreign Office .
30 Just like scones , they should be served on the day that they are baked .
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