Example sentences of "they should be [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The meeting had originally proposed the development of such strategies for the weakest EC economies ( i.e. Greece , Italy and Portugal ) but several ministers argued that they should be undertaken by all members .
2 Generally , an exchange 's rules are themselves usages , not least because they should be followed by all the exchange 's members .
3 Even a methodologically sound table is unlikely to feature estimates with a high degree of precision ; they should be viewed in this light .
4 Following such a complaint , the witness may have looked around to investigate the cause of the accident and they should be asked about this .
5 Parents should be held to some degree , not necessarily to a tune of a thousand pound , but they should be made in some way , to be responsible for their
6 They should be prevented at all costs from making records .
7 They should be prevented at all costs from making records .
8 Ideas and opinions about women 's issues and the degree of priority they should be given at this stage vary considerably , but it is more than apparent that there are many who now believe that a new society would be incomplete without changes in women 's position .
9 Answer guide : This is an easy situation after the last one , here the wages are for the year and matching tells us they should be charged to this year .
10 When in Colossians 1:9ff Paul prays for Christians he has never met , his first request is that the Spirit would give them understanding of the Lord 's will for their lives ; then , that they should live their lives in accordance with that will by pleasing the Lord in everything ; then , that they should increase in their knowledge of God ; and finally , that they should be strengthened with all might according to the measure of his glorious power which should result for them as it did for Christ , not in arrogance but in patience and longsuffering .
11 The Law Society had greater reservations about franchising than the other bodies , except that it liked the administrative advantages and thought that they should be extended to all legal aid practitioners who satisfied quality control criteria developed by the Board and the Law Society .
12 They should be fitted to all accessible opening windows , however small .
13 Most of these are now in A4 sire but , if they are not , they should be reduced to this sire .
14 The section does not apply to contractual guarantees , as between a seller and a purchaser , as these are obviously caught under the appropriate sections of the UCTA relating to contracts , in so far as they should be caught at all ( see s 5(3) ) .
15 If reviewers are too busy to do their job properly ( and I recognise their willingness to take on such a thankless task , though it is one that helps the process of science advance ) then they should be removed from that task .
16 I am inclined to think that they should be included in this category .
17 They argued that such gifts could influence the buyer 's objectivity , and that they should be restricted to such nominal items as calendars , diaries , pens , etc .
18 As they are liable to ‘ bleed ’ they should be topped with some stem left on the tuber , and the roots cleaned but not trimmed .
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