Example sentences of "they can [vb infin] [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Presumably pop-stars and politicians feel otherwise , but many people like to feel they can control the extent to which their names are known ; it is to them an aspect of personal privacy , and it extends to other identifiers like home address .
2 Queensland aborigines believe they can sing a man to death , and indeed recently managed to sing the state 's premier — a white man , a New Zealand migrant who cared little for ‘ black fellows ’ — out of office .
3 Liberal Democrats like to think they can provide the brain to Labour 's brawn , but with 18 MPs and 19 per cent of the vote , Ashdown 's claim to provide ‘ leadership for the wider debate about the construction of a post-socialist , non-Conservative Britain ’ is a fantasy .
4 When they can see no end to it they begin to assume that their condition is ongoing and immutable .
5 So the tutorial is a place for ideas as well as practice , and if they are well used they can help an actor to be more objective about the craft .
6 If so , — they can take the opportunity to learn about new teaching methods related to recently developed educational programmes such as CPVE and GCSE ; — they can shadow a senior manager to learn how headteachers and deputies deal with their problems of management ; — they can focus on particular curriculum areas , working with teachers to develop materials appropriate to their skills and experiences , e.g. electronics ; — they can act as consultants on a particular problem within the school , e.g. financial management ; — they can take the opportunity to " de-mystify " industry .
7 Much more to the point , lawyers are always aware that a big aircraft accident inquiry is the preliminary to much subsequent civil litigation , and that if they can persuade the court to a point of view favourable to their client they can be paving the way to considerable financial benefit at a later stage .
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